chapter 100: the reunion

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" A hug is always the right size

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" A hug is always the right size."

- Winnie the Pooh


( a/n ) hey yall! i'm back, with another update, but i'm sad to say that this is the second to last chapter of this book! i'm very close to completely charlotte's story, and i'm glad you've all been along for the ride. i'm planning on doing a few epilogues to show a few glimpses into the future, but then this story will come to an end. thank you! ( + peep our boy tab at the top who deserves a gif in the book )


" Did you all want to come meet my family?" she asked them, as she finished another Coke.

" You sure we're not gonna scare them away?" Christenson asked her, making the rest of the men chuckle.

" No! Come on, it'll be fun! My family, we're used to big parties and gatherings." Charlotte said smiling brightly. And so they agreed on it. The large group walked through the small town, smiling and laughing as if they were back in Aldbourne, before they even knew what war was like. Charlotte walked up to her front door, and walked inside, calling for her parents.

" Hey, uh, mom, dad?" she called through the home, but that wasn't the first response she got back.

" Why are there 20 hot guys standing outside?" she heard Lucie's voice yell from her room.

" Where are mom and dad?" she called back up

" Tell me why, Charlotte Emeline Tarvers, " Lucie said stomping down the stairs, " there are 20 men outside our house, looking exactly like the men in your pictures?"

" Gene and Bill set up it, it was a surprise for me!" Charlotte said.

" Ok, but where are they going?" she asked, her cheeks warming as she glanced out the door again.

" We're gonna hang out? I haven't seen them in months." Charlotte said. " Where are mom and dad?"

" Outside in the barn." Lucie said, " With Felix."

" I'll be back, you can go introduce yourself, they won't bite." Charlotte said. Lucie stared at her.

" I can't-"

" Just go say hi." Charlotte said shoving her sister toward the door. Charlotte turned and ran out the back door toward the barn and ran inside.

" Mom, Dad!" she called racing inside the barn. Her parents looked up from their work on the horses and Felix popped his head over the barn door.
" What is it? Where's Gene?" they asked.

" Well, I showed up with Gene to Ward's and Bill and Gene planned out a surprise get together, so they're all outside right now." Charlotte said.

" Outside? Charlotte Tarvers I've taught you better than this. let them inside to get comfy!" her mother scolded.

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