chapter 42: kindness

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" A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve

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" A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve." 

- Joesph Joubert


" Boyle's hit!" Winters yelled louder now, as Charlotte peaked up and over the road. It was German Artillery, it's the only thing by this point that it could've been. Charlotte, recklessly, shot up over the edge and hurried toward Boyle, Winter's hollering in the background for someone to get him. She reached him, and grabbed his shoulder.

" Someone help me!" she yelled over the pounding of the artillery. Winter's and Luz came over the edge, each grabbing Boyle's and yanking him over the edge as Charlotte managed to swipe his gun back over.

" You good here Charlotte?" Winters asked her, using her first name this time, over the loud barrage. It surprised her so much that she was in a daze for a few seconds.

" Yes, sir!" she answered back, before turning back to Boyle, who was writhing in pain.

" Go, Luz." she yelled, a shell racking closer. He nodded, with one final glance and took off toward the other side of the dike. She focused on Boyle again. It was shell shock most likely, his eyes in a daze, some blood splattered on the front of him, and some small shards of shrapnel littering the front of his body.

" Hey, buddy, hey Boyle, it's gonna be ok, I'm right here." she said, pulling out a syrette of morphine, just to ease the pain. She plunged it into his leg, and Boyle slowly relaxed, and gently fell asleep. The blood on her fingers, was slowly drying so she carefully painted the M symbol on his forehead before grabbing his coat and slowly dragging him to the road, seeing the the artillery had stopped. She slowly dragged him down the road as the battle soon finished and made it to the medical truck nearby. Doc Neavles came up to her with his clipboard and she saluted him, seeing the Lieutenant badge on his shoulder. He nodded.

" Corporal Tarvers." he said nodding.

" Shell shock, morphine injection in the left thigh, will be out for 3-4 because of the pain, otherwise, he's ok. I had to pull some shrapnel from his chest, but it didn't cut in deep, I suggest you keep an eye on them though to watch for infections." she explained, helping the other private next to her who was a combat medic lift Boyle to a stretcher.

" Thank you Corporal." the Lieutenant said, with a nod her way. She nodded before turning and hurrying back over to where Winters was. She stopped hearing a few low shots fired out in the direction where the Germans retreated. She saw Liebgott on his chest, firing shot after shot out toward writhing half dead Germans. She was about to move out, when Winters began his walk over. She focused her attention on Webster who was groaning in pain and Skinny who was attempting to wrap up the wound. She slid over into the trench and approached the two.

" 'They got me,' you believe that? You believe I said that?" Webster drawled to Skinny who pulled the bandage tight around his calf. Skinny bent down to help Webster stand.

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