chapter 30: mail call

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" Make peace with your broken pieces

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" Make peace with your broken pieces."

- r.h. sin


A few days later, after arriving at a town they had recently cleared, Easy Company received mail call. Charlotte hadn't read something from her family in ages from what it felt. She had also written to her brothers, but she was unsure of their whereabouts as well, and their wellbeing. She tried not to think about them, but when their parents eldest children were at war, she felt a dull ache in her stomach deepen.

" Got anything for me, Vest?" she called, as he walked around with a stack of letters.

" Here ya go, Sunshine!" he called, throwing me multiple letters. She had to smile when she saw the first name when she opened the letter. Mary-Jane had finally contacted her, after nearly a year. She felt a few tears spring to her eyes out of pure happiness.


It's been so long since I've seen you and I miss you like crazy. I just received your letter from last month, and it seems like so much has happened. The Nurse Corps is same as usual. But we've been stationed on a few islands out in the Pacific to try and receive soldiers who are seriously injured quickly. Jackie's been great, she wants to meet you when the wars over. A lot of my friends do. I've told them stories about when we were younger, and they've laughed so hard they've cried a few times. How's that George Luz of yours? I told my friends some of the jokes he's mentioned and his wonderful impressions, and it's brightened our days for sure. We all thank him. Tell the boys I said hi. They deserve it for what you've all been doing. Did you all make the jump yet? We heard reports over the broadcast that the paratroopers were preparing something, and we've all been interested in hearing news. We could use it after our men in the Pacific have been suffering. One a higher note, I've meet someone. In my last letter, I told you about how I met Sergeant Clyde Taylors. We were really just friends, but I guess when you get thrown together with certain people in certain situations, they decide to call it fate. He's sorta been my rock out here, without any family. I don't wanna get all mushy on you, but he wants to meet you after the war too. He's heard so many things about you. He even showed me a paper where you highlighted the news lines. They called you the Sunshine Soldier! I read the article and I thought it was a beautiful passage. You really are important to your Easy Company, Charlie. I want you to know that. You're important to so many young women and girls, and these ladies with me in the Nurse Corps. You're like a sister to me, and you know that. I love you, girl. Write back soon!! I hope you had a great birthday!!

Love, MJ

Charlotte looked up from the letter a smile on her face. She looked up and saw Luz making his way toward her, carrying a cup of coffee.

" Heya Sunshine!" he called, twirling a smoke in between his fingers.

" Hi Luz." she said folding up the letter and beginning to tear open the next one from her family. Luz took a seat next to the girl and handed her the coffee as she read the letter.

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