chapter 26: the 101st airborne

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" You are allowed to be a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously

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" You are allowed to be a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously." 

- Sophia Bush


Charlotte had on the uniform by now, her short hair an unruly mess. She fumbled with her new necklace, and her dog tags absentmindedly as she stared into the mirror. The ugly hand marks would be there for a while and the little scars would too. She sighed. She pulled the boots on, cautious of the bad ankle and was careful about her wound on her arm. She felt better, and as she pulled the belt on she felt more like she did 48 hours ago. She redid the tiny braids that Luz loved so much, and she splashed her face in cold water, waking up a bit more. She then turned and walked out of the bathroom, a bit slower than normal toward her friends who remained.

" Looking great, kid!" Luz called as she entered the room. She smiled lightly at them. She had a slight limp, but it wasn't noticeable. Or at least she wasn't trying to make it noticeable.

" How're you feeling?" Gene asked, picking up her medic satchel and handing it to her.

" I'll be alright." she answered with a nod at the 3 men. Gene watched her adjust the trusty medic bag, and carefully put her helmet onto her head. She always was saying she was fine, or ok, but he worried deep down that she wasn't. His chest felt heavy, but he could only nod in her direction.

" I gotta go find Winters." she said, adjusting some of her straps and pockets on her uniform.

" I'll see you boys later." she said and turned, heading out of the medic hut. The 3 were surprised that she didn't want to collapse back in bed with how horrible and terrible she looked and felt last night. She was tough, and that was something that they all knew. The bright sunshine hit her face and she had to smile at the relief. She'd made it past D-Day, with all the odds packed against her she'd made it past D-Day. She'd figured it out pretty quick as she walked around. Soldiers from Easy, and A-I Companies had been dropped all over the peninsula. 90% at least, still remained missing. She trudged towards HQ her ankle bothering her slightly. And it seemed to give Winters a heart attack when she stepped through the door geared up, with a smile on her face. He knew she had passed out and suspected she'd be in bed resting still.

" Corporal." he said, holding his chest. " How are you feeling?"

" I'm feeling much better, sir. I meant to say thank you for yesterday with the objective. I'm feeling much better, too." she said with a soft smile. Winters smiled at the girl.

" I'm glad, Charlotte. Glad you're feeling better." he said with a nod. She smiled and gave a salute to Winters before turning and heading out back into the sunshine. She knew who was missing, at least from Easy that she hoped would return. There were still people missing too. People like Tab, Shifty, Smokey and Chuck. She'd hoped they were all okay, but you had to expect the unexpected in war. They'd all volunteered for this. To have this one chance to do this and jump behind enemy lines for their country. The rest of the day, more soldiers rolled in, having survived and finally made it to Sainte-Marie-Du-Mont. However, before dinner that night, a group of 101st walked in just as the sun was setting, and Charlotte immediately recognized the face at the front.

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