Deleted Scene [1] - Late Night Coffee

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Hey!! Thought you'd seen the last of me in this book? LOL NOPE! I just feel, here, with this book, there were some scenes I originally had in that I eventually took out - including this very one right now. It was actually the first ever scene I wrote for this book that really inspired me to write this almost 2 years ago!! Of course, I edited it a bit and it's much better now and cleaned up, but I wanted to post it - and I decided to create a Deleted Scenes section here in this book!!

Now, with this - feel free to leave comments of what YOU would like to see from this book!! Is there a scene you wished had been here but wasn't? Two characters you would've loved to see in Episode 8 interact but not? Possibly more of Charlotte and Speirs at Mourmelon? LITERALLY ANYTHING!! I will give it a try at writing!

So comment here! >> A specific scene you wish you'd scene? An idea you have for a deleted scene? Postwar idea? FEEL FREE! I'm taking every comment I get into account for this! As I work on my 3rd BoB Book, I'm finding writing is being a nice stress reliever and I just adore this book so much - so truly, commenting anything, don't be shy!! I'll always take it into account. 

So without further ado.....deleted scene take 1! :) Enjoy!

Mourmelon-le-Grande, France

December 4th, 1944


Gently folding over the bandage in the dim light of the flickering candle, Charlotte let her nimble fingers press the edges down and thin them together. Another bandage down - another 48 to go. Suddenly, a soft knocking became present at the door to the aid station. Charlotte softly sighed and wiped a weary hand across her light-headed brow and glanced towards the aid station door.

" Coming!" she called lightly, keeping her voice soft in the late night. Charlotte approached the closed door and softly pulled it open to reveal the person she'd least suspect on the other side.

" Sir," she said, a gentle smile spreading on her face, as she looked up into the deep, dark eyes of Ronald Speirs, his form illuminated by the moon, slowly rising overhead, his eyes piercing her own. His hair was slightly ruffled - possibly from sleep, possibly from rolling around from a fitful of nightmares that tortured his mind. Anything really - it was war.

" Hey," he said - his voice was casual - Ronald Speirs was not casual. His voice was usually more rough, like a deep, dark chocolate, firm words spilling over his lips. But now he sounded exhausted, worn down - vulnerable. Vulnerable and Ronald Speirs were two words Charlotte was not one to associate with together.

" Mind if I come in, I know it's late." he said, his eyes holding her gaze in the night. Charlotte watched him softly and then smiled a warm grin, one of her signature smiles that could make anyone happy on the spot and nodded.

" Of course, sir, I can make you a coffee." she said as she stepped back allowing him to move inside the lonely and quiet aid station - the only sound, the dripping of the sink in the makeshift washroom. The stupid sink never turned off.

" Thank you, Doc, and you don't have to make me one, I can handle myself." he said as he ruffled a hand through his dark locks and let out a sigh, which automatically sent Charlotte into worry mode. What was wrong?

" It's fine, sir, I'm the medic, remember?" she said stepping past him, giving a gentle glance his way as he stood in the center of the room, eyes worn. A small smirk adorned her pink lips and she noticed the slight snicker that passed by Speirs' lips. He never smiled much nor laughed in the face of others - it made him quite mysterious - just like the first night she had met him under the lamppost on night duty in Toccoa. He still was quite the mystery - but Charlotte trusted him with her entire life. She always had.

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