*sunshine soldier*

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Sunshine Soldier

I have been wrong about many things in my life, and writing an article back in 1942 had been one of my biggest regrets now looking back 5 years ago. I titled it something dumb, " Sunshine Soldier, is She Really?" probably, and it sounded horrible and I looked like a terrible person. I felt I was reading it again a few days ago, after seeing the article in a trash pile.

I had the opportunity to meet with Charlotte Tarvers, about a year after the 3rd anniversary of D-Day where she ended up conducting many heroics after that specific day. She didn't have to talk with me, of even meet with me, but she walked over, proudly in her uniform, smile on her face that so many others always talked about and sat down and had a conversation with me before the interview. She was exactly how others had described her, when I tried to dismiss them. She was extremely kind, seemingly knowing how to automatically talk to people, she talked simply as well, not trying to sound overcomplicated. Yet her words were warm and her tone was gentle. 

She was epitome of what everyone said.

I had been so wrong about Charlotte Tarvers. Her heroics helped win the war for many people and I got the chance to talk to others that had been a part of Easy Company as well, and they all said good things, having some funny stories and great laughs to talk about.

Charlotte Tarvers, was a combat medic for the 101st Airborne, part of 2nd Battalion in the 506th in Easy Company. She was called the Sunshine Soldier because she exactly was the Sunshine in that company, keeping them like the glue together through thick and thin, ups and downs, and jump after jump into enemy territory. She provided words of comfort, wisdom and smiles to the men of Easy and each man has thanked her to this day for what she has done for them; saying they'll never forget it.

Charlotte Tarvers forgave me for the words I spoke of her. I was naive to what she could possibly do as a member of the Airborne and as a medic, and I should've never even worked so hard to publish that dumb article. I learned to forgive myself after she forgave me. You can do many wrongs in your life, but the biggest wrong you can do is not forgiving yourself.

I asked Charlotte how she was able to forgive herself, as she had talked in length about how she struggled to forgive herself with the deaths of the men in Easy Company that they'd lost. She told me that she came to terms with the fact that they'd want her to continue their story and legacy as a member of Easy Company and tell the world what Easy Company did together. She told me that I had to forgive myself to accept myself. She talked in a calm, motherly way to me.

I went home that night, and began writing down what I was most angry about before ripping it to bits. But I accepted what I've done and forgiven myself for doing it.

Charlotte Tarvers deserves every bit of happiness in the world as the Sunshine Soldier and to live a long and peaceful life away from war with her husband and family and brothers in arms that continue to love her and support her. I wish her all the best, because I know she deserves it all. She deserves everything.  

Signed Thomas Bernadad

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