chapter 101: the sunshine soldier

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" One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change

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" One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change."

- unknown


( a/n ) hey, hi, hello everyone! this will be the final official chapter of sunshine soldier! it is truly bittersweet. i have had an extremely stressful year, and this has been a wonderful escape from reality. sunshine solider has truly been a pleasure to write over the past year, but i've said this the past few chapters. all good things usually come to a glorious end, and i'm proud to say that i feel this story comes to an amazing conclusion. charlotte will always be my favorite original OC just because i put a lot of the qualities i have into herself, to make her relatable to others, as well as help other people get to see themselves possibly through charlotte. thank you all for this amazing experience, and all your lovely comments, reads and votes, as well as the conversations i've had with so many of you! you've all been so inspirational and helpful and positive through this journey and i hope you all love this final chapter of charlotte's story with the 101st airborne. there will be a closing message and information about metanoia in another upload, and 2 or 3 epilogue moments, but this will be one of the final times you read about this wonderful story that i have loved writing! thank you all!! 


The men stayed late into the night, everyone just talking and enjoying their time. At about 8, Ron set Robbie to sleep upstairs and Charlotte was about to help him when there was a knock on the door, again and Charlotte wondered who it would be. She went to the door as she heard men laughing from the front room joyfully. Charlotte opened the door and was surprised to see it was John, standing there in the nighttime.

" John." Charlotte said quietly.

" Can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked her.

" Sure." she said and stepped out shutting the door behind her. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him.

" I just wanted to come here and just get some closure." he said, and she nodded.

" You were my true first love and I messed up, big time, and I'm learning to get over that guilt that I carried with myself. I've come to say I'm sorry." he said. Charlotte nodded.

" You were my first love as well. And you taught me a lot of things, and mostly what not to do." she said, and John seemed to take that blow.

" You hurt me, mentally and emotionally, and it affected me. But it showed me that I'm strong, John. You came here, thinking that I was still hurt about this all. About you. But I got over it, and you didn't. I stopped letting you and what you did to me affect me, and you still haven't let go. Well I did." she said calmly. John looked at her, the guilt heavy in his body.

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