chapter 85: sorrow

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" Our pleasures are shallow, our sorrows are deep

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" Our pleasures are shallow, our sorrows are deep."

-  unknown


Speirs had found the girl, sitting by herself against a tree, sniffling, and running her fingers of her dog-tags that she had taken off her neck, her hair falling in brown locks down her back.

" Charlotte." he said softly walking up to her. She looked up and met his eyes. He sat down next to her and looked over at her.

" You doing ok?" he asked her.

" I'm just sad for Shifty." she whispered, missing the man at the very minute.

" I got a report, that he went into surgery, and came out in the post-op, smiling." Speirs said, watching as the girl's corners of her mouth twitched into a tiny smile.

" I always remember a person's smile, through good and bad times, sir." she said softly. Speirs smiled.

" During the Depression, my mom would smile, and it wasn't the same smile as from before, but it was always there. A smile is always there." she said softly. " You have a nice smile." She peaked up shyly at the CO, and noticed he was already smiling looking down at her.

" You have a beautiful smile." he said, and then she watched as he bit his lip. A smile of her own grew on her face.

" How's your family doing?" he asked her. She looked up at him.

" My brother, Louis, is in Reims right now with his platoon. He's having the time of his life. I just wish I could see him. I miss him a lot." she said, " My dad is still working the store back home, my younger brother and sister are out of school, my mom is happy for the most part it seems. I just really miss them, and I want this war to be over." Speirs picked at the grass around his feet, and flicked it off, before looking ahead at the bustling town.

" I want it to be over, too." he said, before throwing the grass, and leaning back against the tree with her, and looking over at her. " I feel I can have the realest conversations with you."

" Is it Compliment Charlotte Day?" she asked with a small giggle. Speirs smiled, and gave her shoulder a shove.

" What's wrong with that?" Speirs asked.

" Nothing." she singsonged. She smirked at the look Speirs gave her, and shoved his shoulder back. He shoved her back, before she leaned forward and tickled him, and he tickled her back, before she let out a whooping laugh, as she couldn't control the laughter, falling to her back on the soil, letting her laugh ring out freely. She opened her eyes, happy tears filling them, as she saw Speirs above her, continuing to tickle her, as his beautiful laugh, she heard rarely ring out above her. Her laughing quieted a bit.

" You act more like a teenage boy around me, sir, than a CO." she said, a bit boldly.

" You make me feel like one again." he said, his eyes looking into hers. Her cheeks flamed up immediately. Her eyes traveled to his lips, and she quickly looked away again. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest.

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