chapter 16: thanks gene

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" People cry, not because they're weak

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" People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long."

- Johnny Depp


The news, good news, came a few days later however. Sobel was being transferred out of Easy Company, and it sent the men into high spirits. A big weight lifted off of everyone's shoulders in that moment, and relief filled their systems as Thomas Meehan became their new CO, who had been in Baker Company prier to that. And he seemed fit for this company. Quick-witted, smart, firm, calm, and composed were just a few words to describe him. And his respect for Charlotte was even better.

" Charlotte Tarvers," he said shaking her hand as she stepped away from where she and Gene were packing crates of medical supplies.

" Sir," she said, smiling, before drawing her hand away with a bright smile to the Lieutenant. 

" I've heard great things from everyone, these men trust you a lot from what I can tell."

" Yes, sir they do. They've been a great help these past 2 years, and I couldn't be more grateful to be a part of Easy Company." she said smiling widely.

" I'm glad to have you as one of our combat medics, Charlotte." he said with a nod.

" Thank you, sir." she said, and then saluted him. He saluted back in a dismissal and then he turned and headed off. She walked back over to Gene and continued organizing things into a crate. She saw Gene smirking her way and she smirked back at him.

" What, mister?" she said.

" Everyone really does love you, Charlie." he said, hefting a crate up with a smile. Her cheeks flamed as she stared at him.

" Gene-"

" Charlie, come on, you're one of the best medics we have." he said, pulling out a singular vile of morphine.

" Where do you insert the morphine if someone was shot in the left leg?" he asked her, brow raised.

" Opposite thigh, the right thigh to be exact, opposite of the wound." she answered. 

" What does the sulphur do?" he asked.

" Clot the blood in the wound to prevent the continuation of the bleeding so the man doesn't bleed out." she answered. 

" If you were to come across someone who was paralyzed what would be the first thing you'd after tying up the wound where the bullet entered?"

" Grab their left arm, near the inside of their elbow, find their main blood vessel, insert the plasma needle, to get plasma into their body and treat for trauma." she answered, and Gene smiled. He raised a brow and she shoved his shoulder playfully.

" Oh come on, you gotta admit, you look pretty intelligent when you start spouting off that type of stuff." Gene said to her, grabbing another crate. 

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