chapter 99: chincoteague

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" Whoever is happy will make others happy

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" Whoever is happy will make others happy."

- Anne Frank


( a/n ) hey!! i'm back just as promised!! this story only has a mere few chapters left, from what i feel at the current moment. sunshine soldier was wonderful story to write in 2019 and into early 2020 for me, but i know that all good things must come to an end. i reread sections of this story sometimes and just tear up because i remember writing that moment, or i visualize the deeper meaning behind it that i felt i had when writing it. i just feel very accomplished for coming to this point in the story and knowing the end is near. i can't thank you all enough for being a part of that journey with me!


Charlotte was that one that yanked Gene out of the door the following afternoon to show him around their tiny island of Chincoteague. It was a rather warm day, not like it were spring, but the breeze was biting at them, and the sun was out making it warm on their skin. The two former medics walked side by side down the street towards the main town center, seemingly walking in step as they laughed and talked together just like the old times.

" I've been working at a hospital, Gene, on the mainland, recently." Charlotte said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear as a blast of wind hit them. Gene's head had never whipped around faster to look at her with wide eyes.

" That's what you've always wanted to do." Gene said smiling. Charlotte nodded. " I'm so happy for you, Charlie."

" Sometimes, it does bring back memories of the war, but it also shows me what my passion is, and what I want to do in life, and that settles me." Charlotte explained. Gene smiled.

" So, like a doctor or a nurse, or do you want to specialize somewhere?" Gene asked her. 

" I want to become a doctor, ever since I left the Airborne that has been mainly what I want to do because I want to help people; that's always been what I've wanted to do." Charlotte said.

" You've always had that about you, ya know?" Gene said and Charlotte glanced at him with a raised brow.

" What do you mean?" she asked.

" Must have been about a year ago, and maybe a few months. I was talking to Tab, just ya know walking down the road after I had tried to patch someone up who I couldn't save and Tab was helping at the aid station, in Holland, I'm guessing. For some reason we got on the topic of you, and Tab always said how caring and giving and good-natured you were, and that you were like true sunshine." Gene said, and Charlotte's cheeks warmed slightly as she thought of Tab and how much she missed seeing him and calling him bunny.

" Of course, I agreed, but every man in that company was so grateful for what you did for them in whatever way you helped them, Charlotte, really, they were so grateful for you." Gene said.

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