chapter 12: the troop ship

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" Hard days will end and the sun will rise again

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" Hard days will end and the sun will rise again."

- Amy Kennedy


Throughout the following months, Easy Company performed multiple nighttime to daytime 3 day practices in the forest and surrounding areas of the town they were in. Charlotte, in her previous platoon before Easy, had performed similar tasks that her Platoon Leader then called "Hell Hikes Through Hell" which she thought was appropriately named. When they bedded down for the night, she'd be in one place and everyone else would be in the other, feet away from her, because they didn't want to have to sleep near her. But she didn't let that affect her, she felt she had more privacy. 

With Easy Company, though, it was different. The boys and her were huddled together in small semi circles, and the guys didn't mind curling up with her to help maintain body heat at night. She knew she could fend for herself, and sleep alone without any extra body heat, but she was glad the boys were concerned enough to go to those lengths. They moved from Benning to Mackall in February for more training exercises and training jumps. The whole of the 101st  had been moved a few months after receiving their jump wings. June 23rd was one of those examples, before Easy Company moved again. Sobel had his platoon set up in the perfect, wait-to-attack position. 

But then he got all jumpy, like always. 

Charlotte was next to Gene, seething. He was like the big brother that she needed out here. The whole company was, but there were always a select few who were like Gene. Sobel stared into the dense pine forest of North Carolina, a few birds chirping in the background. He was jumpy, from what Charlotte could tell. Charlotte glanced at Gene, who could only shake his head and sigh in return before adjusting his helmet. Charlotte's hair was shorter now as well. Sobel had revoked a weekend pass for it being too long a month or so back, and told her to cut it immediately. It was near shoulder length, so her braids only made her look younger. Luz had promised her she only looked cuter with them at that length as she would run around with the boys and they'd swing back and forth.

" Petty." she heard Sobel whisper in desperation, waving over the poor man.

" Map. Come on." he urged.

" Aw, Christ." Petty mumbled readjusting his gun and pulling out the folded up map. He stood up, walking past the two medics, mumbling incoherent, voluntary curse words as he made way toward the CO.

" We're in the wrong position." she heard Sobel say aloud. Charlotte grimaced and tried not to slam her boot into the ground. Winters slid over the edge, quickly and came right up on Sobel's left side. The two spoke in hushed voices, until Sobel marched past Winters somewhat angrily.

" 2nd platoon, move out." he called, calmly out to the platoon.

" What?" she heard Skip ask.

" Tactical column." Winters muttered.

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