chapter 47: the hospital

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" Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway

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" Strength grows in the moments when you think you can't go on but you keep going anyway."

- unknown


Staff Sergeant Leroy Tarvers, Hospital Near Peleliu

Leroy's eyes slowly opened, bleary eyes trying to gain some type of focus on the world he was in. He was warm, and in a bed, and there was a blanket on top of him, as well as a comfortable pillow for his head. He shifted, and then groaned at the pain that shot up his arm. He glanced around exhaustedly, and noticed the Nurse Corps were here, going from patient to patient. He wasn't sure of what time it was, or even what day it was. He slowly pushed himself sitting up, groaning at the pain again that he felt in every part of his body.

" Nurse?" he grimaced out in pain. One of the nurses turned at the sound of his name and walked over to him, hair curled up, cherry lipstick on and a sad smile on her face. Leroy's eyes widened.

" MJ?" he asked her softly. She nodded, with a forced smile his way. Tears welled in the female's eyes, looking at the closest person who resembled family in front of her. MJ slowly wrapped her arms around Leroy's neck, and hugged him tightly. Leroy wrapped his arms around her, and closed his eyes for a moment, relishing the feeling of someone who resembled family. She pulled away, and took a seat on the bed facing him. "

 How are you feeling?" she asked him.

" Like shit, but what else is new?" he said, leaning back, grimacing.

" You have some pretty nasty burns on your stomach, and your leg got a nice bullet in it, but we got it out in time." she explained. " And you were extremely dehydrated so we've had you hooked up to an IV."

" How long was I out?" he asked her.

" 3 days," MJ said sadly, " But you're better now." Leroy smiled with a grateful nod.

" How're you?" he asked her, noticing there was something clearly wrong and off.

" My mother got pneumonia back home, and she's been sick for so long before that already, and um, she died," MJ said, Leroy's heart breaking as she started crying, " she died on the fourth of November, and I've just had such a hard time trying to keep my mind focused. It's just been so hard."

" I'm so sorry, MJ," Leroy said, as another sob escaped MJ's lips.

" Hey come here." Leroy said moving over in the bed, as MJ crawled in, lying next to him in the bed, crying softly into his shoulder. " Your mother was a wonderful person to my family, and to my sister, and she'd be proud. Of everything you've done out here."

" You think?" MJ asked him.

" Of course, I mean it's not everyday you get some badass nurse, who's just as sarcastic or more than the regular soldier." Leroy said smiling. MJ laughed with a smile, sniffling a bit.

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