chapter 77: beethoven

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" Become the bright light for others, when their world becomes dark." 

- unknown


She found her way to her billet. She carefully went up the stares, and slowly pushed open the door. When she stepped inside, tears crawling down her face, she saw Chuck on his bed by the door, Talbert and Shifty on the bed next to him, with Malarkey and Babe on the other side of the room.

" Charlotte." Chuck said sitting up as the girl pushed open the door more to the room.

" I'm gonna be sick." she whispered, the pit of despair growing in her chest. Chuck shot up from the cot and raced over to the girl, pulling her helmet and satchel from her body and hurriedly leading her to the bathroom. The other men heard as the girl threw up in the toilet. Chuck sat right next to the girl the entire time before she pulled up, and raised her weak hand to flush the toilet. She looked over at Chuck with her wide, tear filled blue eyes, her bottom lip quivering. The first sob escaped her lips as Chuck pulled her into his arms. She curled into herself as she sobbed, heartbreaking cries into Chuck's body, quivering with each cry. The other men had heard her crying and walked to the door to find her sobbing into Chuck's arms. Chuck looked up at the rest of the men and nodded. Babe turned and immediately went to find Gene. Shifty came forward on Grant's other side and reached forward to brush his hand over her hair comfortingly. Tab grabbed his canteen as Malarkey grabbed a wet cloth and soaked it with cold water. She peered up from Chuck's chest and saw the men there. She brought her hand up to try and wipe away the tears the best she could to stop the flow.

" Here, sunshine." Tab said passing her his canteen. She took if gingerly from him and touched the canteen to her lips and slowly let the liquid pour down her throat.

" Thank you, Tab." she mustered out, the first words since getting back here, handing the canteen back to the man. She sniffled as Malarkey crouched down and placed the cold cloth on her forehead which made her feel relief as he did so. She laid back against Chuck and closed her eyes. Shifty took her hand in his and began tracing gentle patterns in her hands.

" Thanks, Shifty." she whispered. For someone who could shoot someone straight through the heart, he had the softest hands and the most comforting touch for a person. He was too good for the world.

" I got the Doc." she heard a voice in her haze, as Charlotte opened her eyes and saw Gene slowly making his way into the bathroom with his satchel, helmet long gone. Shifty, Malarkey, Babe, and Tab moved out as Gene crouched next to the girl slowly, and watched as her eyes faintly focused on him. Chuck glanced down at the girl before looking at Gene.

" Will she be ok?" Chuck asked him and Gene nodded.

" She needs water, and rest." Gene said his voice quiet, accent thick. He didn't want to start telling the 5 men how she probably had seen so much and the fear had worked into her system and her reaction was to throw up. That her nerves were on edge enough.

" Hey, Charlie." Gene said, resting a hand gently on her cheek as she barely glanced up at him.

" I want her drinking water, and getting to bed as soon as possible. She needs to regain energy, and if she threw up, we can try small crackers first, and then a meal tomorrow morning." Gene explained. The men nodded, and soon Gene left the group of men with the girl. The men helped Charlotte stand and slowly take her over to the spare bed beside Chuck and settle her in.

" Can I shower?" she asked the men.

" If you want." Tab said, helping the girl stand again as he and Chuck led her to the bathroom again.

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