chapter 35: eindhoven

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" You don't always need a plan, sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens

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" You don't always need a plan, sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens."

- unknown


" As you can see," stated Winters, walking in front of a board, and then looking out towards the large group that was Easy Company, " this is called Operation Market Garden. In terms of Airborne divisions involved, this one's even bigger than Normandy. We're dropping deep into occupied Holland. The Allied objective is to take this road here," Winters stated pointing at the huge map of Holland that was presented on the board. " between Eindhoven and Arnhem, so that two British Armored divisions can move up it toward Arnhem. Our job is gonna be to liberate Eindhoven. Stay there, wait for the tanks." Charlotte looked nervously up at Gene who had a fairly calm, yet guarded face built up. He looked down at her and forced a smile in which he got one in return.

" This entire European advance has been put on hold to allocate resources for this operation." Nixon explained stepping up into his position of intelligence officer. " It's Montgomery's personal plan and we'll be under British Command." A few groans followed and Nixon cleared his throat.

" The good news is if this works, these tanks will be over the Rhine and into Germany. It could end the war and get us home by Christmas." Nixon stated, and her heart leapt at the sound of the word Christmas. Home by Christmas. She couldn't imagine. She smiled to herself at the thought, and saw Lipton look at her and smile back at the smile on the Sunshine's face.

" It'll be a day time jump, intelligence doesn't expect much opposition. They think the Krauts in Holland are mostly kids and old men. And we should take 'em by surprise. In any case, say good bye to England. I don't think they're gonna call this one off." Nixon stated. A tremor set into Charlotte. Saying good-bye to the Fredricks for God-Knows how long was sad. There were tears from all the children, but Mrs Fredricks held, knowing she'd cry alone later. Mary had given Charlotte a headband scarf, that looked like the camo ones the boys had, but this one was grey with woven flowers with little yellow specks in them. She had it around her neck now, and gave it a tug. Planes rattled by overhead as the paratroopers stood, Charlotte making adjustments to her ridiculously large amount of stuff she wore. Gene was adjusting the straps on her legs gently, and buckling things, and snapping things into place. A sudden jeep beeping brought Charlotte from her far off daze as she looked up and saw that it was in fact Popeye Wynn, standing with a small smile on his face as he came by. Gene stood, and Charlotte gulped at the next view. Herbert Sobel sat in the front seat, with a serious expression staring straight forward, all high and mighty. The two made eye contact as he slowly drove by. She stared right back. She seemed frozen in shock as she stepped forward and watched Sobel's eyes the entire time. It had felt like it had been so long since she'd last seen the man, and now as he drove by, she couldn't help but grow angry at the sight in front of her.

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