chapter 89: the war is over

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( a/n ) HEY GUYS!! i'm back from my mini-break. i had to finish out my first marking period of junior year, which was extremely stressful, but worth it for good grades in the end. but now, i'm back and can hopefully be posting more now. i just wanted to say thank you for all the reads, votes and comments that you all give me. it makes me so happy to know people are reading and enjoying this story so much so, that i've had people say they've read it more than once and some don't even know how many times they've read it. i never thought this story would get big like it is now, but it means so much to me. AND 24.3k READS!! i seriously can't thank you all so much, i appreciate each and every one of you all, my readers, so much! thank you all!!



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" To come upon love without seeking it is the only way to find it."

- unknown


VJ Day seemed to have an even bigger celebration than VE Day. The parties went late into the night, and some people got so drunk, Charlotte wasn't sure if they'd recover or not. She had decided to sit outside alone, in the cool evening air to catch her bearings for a few minutes. She thought about how different home life would now be. Leroy would never walk inside that house again, he would never smell the wonderful Christmas meals he wrote of. Louis would never feel the same walking inside again on his bad leg. He'd have trouble going upstairs for a while still, and the fear of falling would come back. Charlotte would never feel the same being home again with part of her family not there. MJ wouldn't be the same with her mother now gone as well. But Charlotte wouldn't let that bring her down. No. She'd be happy to be home, with Mickey, and her entire family, and grandparents and friends and all the lovely stores on the island and the ocean that spread for miles and miles. She'd be happy to sleep at night, in a place that she didn't hear gunshots or explosions or have to sleep in foxholes. But she'd miss the guys. She'd missed the men who'd become her brothers. And for all their own reasons. She'd miss the officers and the respect they'd shown someone like her. She knew she could write letters, but it would never be the same as she did so. She'd miss their hugs, smiles, laughter, their banter when together, but she knew she'd always hold that in her heart.

" Hey, you ok, Charlotte?" she heard a voice ask and turned from the step she sat on to look up and see it was Winters.

" I'm fine, sir. Thank you for asking." she said, " I just wanted to get some air." Winters took a few steps forward and took a seat down next to the girl, as they stared out at the darkness in front of them ahead. Charlotte looked over at Winters gently, looking at the man she'd follow anywhere into combat, the person she'd jumped after on D-Day, the man she'd probably go through hell with the rest of Easy Company for.

" How am I supposed to explain anything at all to everyone back home?" she asked him. Winters looked at the girl and then out at the darkness. He looked back over at the young woman next to him. She'd grown so much in her past 3 years with Easy as a person and member of the company.

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