chapter 59: night sky

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" Silence is sometimes the best answer

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" Silence is sometimes the best answer."

- Dalami Lama


 On January 9th, Charlotte's world altered slightly. Her lack of sleep tied to the cough and the exhaustion, led her to wandering around that night trying to find a foxhole to bed down in after rounds. She was on her way to check on Babe when all the sudden, a loud whistle went off making her turn, staring straight up at the night sky where the cold snow fell down, seeing the sky lit up, and the explosion ring out. The shell exploded on the ground nearby, sending Charlotte tumbling to her chest, pushing all air in her lungs out. She began hacking on nothing, and attempting to get the air into her lungs as she did so. 

" Incoming!" a voice cried out. Charlotte flipped to her side, and hacked again and again as more shells went off, and the trees exploded, sending debris everywhere. She was showered in the slush and the dirt, and looked up, getting slowly to her feet. The sky became white and black as the explosions took their cues. Her heart raced as cries yelled out, and the calls for foxholes became wide spread. The explosions made her ears ring, each one more deafening and louder than the last. An explosion went off near her, and the next thing she knew, there was an odd spreading sensation on the sift part of her shoulder. She screamed. For the first time since being in this company she screamed, and it was loud. Not loud over the explosions, but loud enough that it pierced some nearby ears. The explosions continued, as the tears rushed her vision. She felt like her voice was gone, like she couldn't cry for help as the pain in her shoulder only increased. She fell to the ground, the air sucked out of her system, the stinging from the snow hitting her, as quiet calls for medic rang out, and the urge to chase after them followed her. But then slowly, the explosions died again, and it was over. But Charlotte still laid there on the ground, writhing in utter pain. She whimpered, clutching her shoulder to try and stop the impending blood flow that came from her shoulder. She scored her shaking hand around her medic satchel for a bandage, and hastily pulled one out. She started to sit up, but the pain grew too intense, and she screamed, her innocent high pitched yelp ringing out over the forest. That's when it was heard.

" Sunshine?" a voice called out farther away. She grimaced in pain, only letting another cry escape her lips as well.

" Sunshine!" the voice sounded urgent closer. Feet came trampling through the underbrush and stopped, slowly stepping closer until they found the girl, practically sobbing trying to bandage her own arm.

" Medic!" Tab screamed. He collapsed next to the girl, and gently tried to help her up, as he whimpers continued to erupt from her mouth. She clutched Tab's arm, as Tab pushed his hand to where the shrapnel had cut her shoulder and was bleeding.

" Medic, goddamnit!" Tab yelled again, his voice filled with fear and terror. Light footsteps came hurrying nearby and then stopped.

" Charlie..." Gene whispered.

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