chapter 93: home

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" The love of a family is life's greatest blessings

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" The love of a family is life's greatest blessings."

- unknown


The ride back, in the large vehicle she was amazed her parents had somehow bought to fit all the kids, was quiet. But her parents could tell their daughter was upset. It was a lot, going from seeing her brothers in arms every minute of everyday, to not ever really seeing them again for years on end. Charlotte sat back with her mother, head in her lap, as her mother brushed through the curls that were fresh out of braids.

" Mom?" Charlotte whispered softly.

" Yes, Charlotte?" her mother whispered, brushing hair from her eyes soothingly.

" What do you do when you love someone?" Charlotte whispered. Charlotte's mother smiled softly, glancing at her husband in the front seat.

" You love them." her mother whispered back.

" But what happens if you won't seeing them, probably, for a long time?" she whispered out.

" Then you find them, and love them." her mother answered, still staring at her husband.

" What's his name?" her mother asked.

" Ron." Charlotte whispered, " Captain Ronald Speirs. " And her mother could hear the dazed sound in her daughter's voice as she said that.

" Is he the one that gave you that ring?" she asked.

" Maybe." Charlotte whispered. Her mother smiled. The trip felt long, but Charlotte didn't mind as they pulled into the drive way of their house as the sun was setting. Charlotte felt an odd presence pass through her as she stepped out of the car and onto the land. Her father grabbed her bag as she removed her cap and walked forward. She walked up the two steps of the front of the house and onto the porch. She glanced around. The vase of flowers was the same with new flowers, and the hanging chair was there with chairs around it. The trees were cut back nicely, giving the afternoon sun a lovely entrance. Charlotte turned as her mother opened the door and Charlotte stepped up into the house. It smelled the same, like fresh flowers and some honey as well. She walked in, the staircase on the left, living room on the right. The hallway led to the kitchen and the open sunroom where breakfast was eaten facing the open plains and forest in the distance, where you could still hear the sounds of the waves. Then once you entered the kitchen, to the right was the dining room and family room, and to the left was the bathroom, laundry room and kitchen. Everything felt similar, like the same. Charlotte dropped her cap on the kitchen table in the sunroom and looked out at the setting sun. That's when she heard a joyful bark and turned to see it was Oliver.

" Ollie!" she called joyfully as the dog raced over to her, as she got to her knees, and began excitedly licking her face in every way and whining.

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