chapter 2: au revoir

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" she's the type of flower that can still grow after a forest fire

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" she's the type of flower that can still grow after a forest fire."



Charlotte had mumbled for the most part, knowing she'd have to ask for forgiveness from God later. Roger stepped back with a smirk, looking at Vera. Even John was smirking a bit. 

" Well it has been a pleasure." MJ said, coldly, snapping her and her best friend away from the group. The two girls got on their horses and slowly walked towards the group again. 

" I'm glad I'm in the higher class, anyway Vera. I won't have to deal with your shit for brain head the whole year." MJ called, before nickering to the horses and the two girls cantered off down the road. John had watched Charlotte the entire time, with her fierce guard up. He smiled. As the two girls neared the barn MJ looked to Charlotte.

" Girl, I didn't know you had it in you to curse like that." MJ said, reaching over and patting Charlotte on the shoulder.

" My mama would've slapped me." Charlotte muttered.

" Be proud, Charlie. Those assholes ain't got nothing on you. What could they say?" MJ said.

" That I haven't had my first kiss." Charlotte said sadly. 

" Who cares?" MJ said.

" You have." Charlotte said, glancing at her best friend. Sure it had been when she was 10 and it was a dare, but it counted.

" Hey, Charlotte look at me." MJ said making her best friend look at her. " Gregory Temple doesn't count. It was a dare. deserve a good first kiss, and from a good person, that has meaning, a reason." Charlotte smiled and looked down. The two girls put the horses into the barn and walked inside the glowing warm house. 

" Hi Mrs. Tarvers." MJ said as Charlotte shut the door behind them.

" Bonjour, MJ." Charlotte's mother said, looking up from her book. 

" Hi, Leroy." MJ called over to Charlotte's brother sitting on the couch, reading as well.

" Hey MJ. Hey Charlie." he answered back, then flipped a page as his eyes scored the page. 

" How was the sunset?" her mother asked.

" Beautiful. As always. But some kids from our school came and we left." Charlotte said and hoped to keep it at that.

" Who?" her mother asked, and Charlotte sighed.

" Like John, Roger, Vera, and a few others." Charlotte said.

" I like John, he seems nice. Especially when he helped me with my groceries one day." her mother said, sipping her tea.

" You mean, he stepped inside this house mother, when I was possibly asleep?" Charlotte asked.

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