chapter 33: the night of the bayonet

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" How wonderful it is that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain the joy

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" How wonderful it is that we laugh because our bodies cannot contain the joy."

- unknown


( a/n ) oh my god this is the 4th chapter tonight i've posted, but i'm on such a roll right now that i hope you're all enjoying them so far. i'd expect another chapter or two after this as well! i'm on a roll right now, that will be worth it in the future. enjoy!


Lipton returned from the hospital, with a smile and a few scars on his face, but there and alive. Charlotte hurriedly scampered over to the crowd surrounding him, and managed to push through the crowd, being short and tiny, jumping and looping her arms around Lipton, catching him off guard. She heard a chuckle escape his lips as she hugged him tightly. Tab returned and she'd seen the group of men surrounding him one day as she finished a meeting with all medics and she excitedly walked up to the group. She began peaking through the levels of bodies surrounding the man, and Tab seemed to spot the young girl as well.

" Is that Sunshine?" he called, and the group turned their heads to see the girl smiling wide and moving her way through the group. She reached Tab and automatically wrapped her arms around his neck and he threw his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly and close. She couldn't stop smiling as the two pulled back.

" How are you feeling?" she asked him.

" Better, now that you're here." he said smirking.

" I know, I have that affect on people, Tab." she said smiling. He laughed at her comment and hugged her again. Winters, newly promoted to Captain, was now putting more impending pressure and practice, to instill things that might've become sloppy over the Normandy campaign, again and again into their brains. The Toccoa and D-Day vets, were hardened by their experiences and it showed when you saw them compared to the new replacements. They weren't from Toccoa, they hadn't dropped into Normandy or been through Sobel's training. They were reckless it seemed and they were small and young and weak it seemed. Men shortage from the war entrance, their training had been 8 months and not the 2 years of training Easy had endured. 

They were fresh from graduating, and they seemed to have a lot to say about Charlotte. Gene and Charlotte spent some time alone with the 4 new medics that they'd acquired for a few of the companies. They were the respectful ones out of all the replacements, mostly because well they were medics it seemed. They listened intently to what the experienced medics had to say and carefully followed their instruction. However, the following day Gene and Charlotte were instructed to teach the replacements how to administer basic first aid. And it was only for the replacements to see how much they knew from basic training in the medical field. Charlotte wasn't expecting much at that either. No one had really noticed the snide and slightly nasty comments tossed around behind Charlotte's back. It only seemed that they were joking or just immature from inexperience. But this time was different. As Charlotte stood at the front, showing how to wrap a bandage around Spina's arm, the replacement's and their partners supposed to be following, Gene monitored walking up and down the rows with an exhausted, yet slightly alert face set on his features. 

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