chapter 13: the battle buddy

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" Even a strong woman, needs a shoulder to lean on, someone who'll just listen as tears roll down to her face, and remind her that no matter how far she's fallen, she'll get up stronger and wiser than before

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" Even a strong woman, needs a shoulder to lean on, someone who'll just listen as tears roll down to her face, and remind her that no matter how far she's fallen, she'll get up stronger and wiser than before. "


( a/n ) i just wanted to say thank you so much for 1k reads! it means so much to me that people seem to be enjoying my story!! thank you all so much once again!!

WARNING: a form of assault against charlotte, read cautiously - verbal abuse ( short )


" Wait, Charlotte!" Liebgott called his voice getting swallowed up by the commotion. She pushed through the crowd, attempting to keep her head down and out of sight, but the immense onslaught of tears that webbed their way into her vision didn't help. A hand caught her and she spun to meet some of Phillips' old friends from Dog Company.

" Oh look, Easy's girl's crying. What's wrong, sweetheart, cat got your tongue, boy you like hate ya? Someone upset your weak heart? Did Thomas Bernadad write another article?" he answered, the group around him laughing.

" Leave me alone." she mumbled, trying to push past but the hold only grew tighter. She winced in pain. She gripped her medic bag close and tried to push away, the men just holding tighter. Her cheeks were flamed a bright red and her tears were coming faster, attempting to leak from her eyes, but she sucked them down. She wasn't going to let one fall in front of him. He didn't deserve her tears, none of them were deserving of them. The situation felt all too similar to her as Phillips' friend, William Thompson pulled her closer to him, his face meeting hers.

" Oh come on, just one kiss for Phillips." he cooed, the men laughing and jeering. His face continued to come closer as she tried to force herself away.

" Please stop." she said quieter now, her voice drowning itself out from the rest. It was assault. The forced kiss was worse. She was trying to push William away but he was stronger. She pushed him away, but he forced her back on, reaching for her collar of her shirt. She let out a broken cry before she was pulled back and a wonderful voice filled her ears.

" Let her fucking go man!" Liebgott's voice hollered, silencing the group of Dog soldiers.

" Let's get outta here." Liebgott whispered in her ear, leading her away from the scene. She was on the verge of tears by this point, Dog Company laughing and cat calling to the two in the back. Liebgott and Charlotte reached the top deck, in hopes of fresh air calming her down. She was shaking, and as soon as they reached the railing of the boat, Charlotte retched over the edge, Liebgott rubbing her back gently. She pulled back, wiping her mouth with a shaking hand. Liebgott watched the girl, their sunshine, now shaken and eyes filled with unshed tears in front of him. He'd hurt her, and now she'd only gotten hurt more.

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