chapter 68: purple hearts

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" The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and let in come in

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" The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and let in come in." 

- Morrie Schwartz


( a/n ) hey!! i just wanted to thank you all for 10.1k reads on this story. it means so much to me! the past few days have been extremely stressful with school work for me, and now my workload has slowed for the moment and this is a relief to come on here and see people enjoying the story i've had so much fun writing. i am so grateful for all my readers, and all the love and support you've all given me throughout the story! i can't thank you enough. 


No one really said anything. Some were still trying to digest what had just been said, while others were trying to calm their racing hearts from the pure anger they felt. Charlotte had stuck her ground the entire time. She finally dropped her gaze from where Cobb disappeared and looked over somewhat shyly at Chuck who was already looking at her.

" You ok?" he mouthed to her, seemingly as a mention that he didn't want to disrupt the silence of no one speaking.

" I'm ok." she mouthed back to him, before leaning back in her chair. She looked over at Webster who was staring coldly at a spot on the table. He wanted to ask the young medic whom he'd had been great friends with, so many questions, but it seemed that there would never be an appropriate time for that. Charlotte sucked in a breath and continued to stare at the table, where the empty tin now sat, and where she felt the exact same way. Cobb was arrested later for attacking Lieutenant Foley and what had happened to Charlotte. He wouldn't be spending the rest of his time with the company. A new pair of footsteps, light yet authoritative entered, and the group looked up to see Captain Speirs. They all stood at attention, but Speirs merely answered to that. He didn't feel the need for formalities at the moment.

" At ease." he said, and removed his helmet, running a hand over his hair. He looked at the group, and noticed there was some overwhelming tension in the room.

" Captain Winters wants you all assembled here, so if there is anyone who was on the patrol last night and is not here, Winters wants them all in the same room." Speirs said with a nod to the group. His eyes wavered for a few minutes on Charlotte's eyes that were filled with pain.

" Do you know why, sir?" Martin asked looking at their CO.

" Not at the moment, Sergeant. But we all will soon enough." he answered, standing and putting his helmet back on his head, and promptly leaving the room. It must've been possibly half an hour later, after Webster had been on guard duty for when Captain Winters would make his appearance with Speirs and Nixon, when Webster came in removing his helmet.

" Sarge, they're on their way in." Webster said looking to Martin.

" 10, hutt." Martin said clearly, as the group stood, with some shuffling, placing down drinks, awaiting what was to come. Winters entered, the two other Captains behind him. Winters rubbed his hands together and nodded to the Sergeant next to him.

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