chapter 29: exhaustion

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" It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply

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" It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."

- unknown


Easy Company remained on the outskirts of Carentan on D-Day plus 7. Charlotte sat next to Gene, and Luz, who was making little repairs to the huge battery powered radio he lugged around on his back. The rain had stopped in early morning, and it was slightly humid and warm by now. There were bugs and birds out and about, and the air smelled sickly sweet of pollen. Gene looked at Charlotte, who's helmet was off, her adorable braids slightly messy on her head, and a soft smile on her face as she went through her bag of supplies. She looked up feeling eyes on her and saw Gene looking at her.

" About last night, I'm sorry I snapped." he said softly. Charlotte shook her head.

" It was your job, Gene. I understand, and I probably would've messed up from the exhaustion and battle fatigue. You don't need to be sorry at all, Gene." she said with a small smile. She fingered her sun pendant around her neck and smiled.

" Heya Sunshine, got a smoke?" Luz called from his radio.

" You know I don't smoke, Luz." she smirked his direction. Luz smirked back. She pulled the extra box she kept in her breast pocket for the guys and tossed one Luz's way. He caught in and smiled to himself as he lit it.

" Thanks, Sunshine." he smiled, pushing the lighter into his pocket.

" So, uh, when-" Charlotte was cut off by the sounds of gunfire and explosions rattling the hedgerow. She dove down, shoving her helmet to her head. Explosions shook the line, and the mix between Welsh's screaming and the bullets whizzing over her head were not the fondest. She peaked over the ridge and ducked back down immediately a bullet flying by. A body collapsed next to the foxhole and Luz and Gene made a move to pull them in. Gene ripped his helmet off and began making the correct assumptions.

" Medic!" came a frantic voice. Charlotte hurriedly left the scene next to her and raced through the hedgerow to the noise. Shrapnel exploded near her, bouncing off her helmet and cutting her arms and uniform. She pushed her helmet to her head racing nearer to the noise. She collapsed next to the fallen soldier and began dressing his gunshot wound.

" Hey Private." she said, pulling her scissors and cutting through the fabric. She then shoved the scissors away and opened the cloth the rest of the way the soldier writhing in pain. He moaned.

" I know it hurts, I'm gonna get some sulfa on there, ok? Shove some morphine into ya, and you'll be feeling better alright?!" she called over the noise. She ripped open the sulfa packet, shoving the top between her teeth and sprinkling the white powder into the gunshot wound. She pulled the morphine from it's package and shoved it into the soldier's thigh, before watching him finally settle. She hurriedly wrapped the wound as soldiers rushed past her and explosions rattled her core.

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