chapter 79: the eagles' nest

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" Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain

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" Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain."

- Charlie Chaplin


A large smile broke out on the girl's face, and Winters looked to More who saluted the Major with a smile. Charlotte had been picked by Speirs to join Popeye, More, Malarkey and Chuck up the mountainside with them, above and ahead the rest of Easy. Her joyful laugh rung out over top of the open mountain side as she raced against the Toccoa men. She felt excitement and exhilaration as her feet found the energy to propel herself up the dirt road up to the mountaintop retreat. Her brown locks waved in the wind as she ran with the rest of the boys up the mountain.

" Hi-Ho Silver!" Malarkey yelled as Charlotte laughed out loud, pushing her legs faster behind Malarkey. The boys were whooping and hollering and there was no real order except for the excitement they felt. Charlotte laughed more as she raced against the taller men as she heard Liebgott's and the rest of the Easy Company's cheers from down the mountain as they made the slow decent on the trucks upwards.

" Hoorah!"

" Currahee!"

Charlotte stopped to raise her hands and jump up and down excitedly before Chuck slammed into her side in a tight bear hug as she squealed in delight and screamed joyfully. Malarkey and More then pulled Chuck back with laughs as Popeye appeared and wrestled against More. The convoy down below of Easy Company soldiers cheered back, echoing over the mountain to the small group racing up. Charlotte cheered again and pushed Chuck light-heartedly before he picked the girl up and swung her over his shoulder as she screamed again. He placed her down as she laughed with a wide smile, and she gave him another light shove.

" Come on, Chucky!" she squealed excitedly, as she grabbed his hand and raced forward, pulling him along. She thought of Currahee and that seemingly daunting mountain that she'd raced up so long ago and now here she running up the mountain with a smile on her face, laughs filling everyone's ears.

" Curra-friggin-hee!" she yelled, pushing a fist into the air as she raced forward the guys on her tail. The group grew breathless from their excitement, eventually stopping to catch their breath and walk through the trees and enjoy the views that the mountain provided for them. Speirs caught up with the group and took the lead. Charlotte stopped a few times to pick some flowers from the country side of the road, racing a few times to catch up with the men, but they only gave her gentle smiles. She'd come so far and her brothers in arms felt proud that she had served all the way with them. She began happily looping the flowers together, skipping and whistling at the same time, some silly tune from when she was younger, as she did so. She skipped, whistling as she walked back Chuck and placed a flower behind his ear, before skipping a bit more and placing one behind Speirs' ear, and then doing so to Popeye, Malarkey and More. 

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