chapter 90: the speech

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" Still that's the point of love, you love them despite their falls

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" Still that's the point of love, you love them despite their falls."

- unknown


( a/n ) ahh! i'm sorry i haven't updated in what feels like a while, but here's another chapter that i hope you all enjoy!! 


Charlotte and Speirs began spending almost every moment of free time they had together, but not all the time so people wouldn't grow suspicious. They went on hikes through the Austrian Alps, they had picnics in the fields, they went swimming, and they watched the sun rise and set together, talking for hours afterward usually. Speirs felt that Charlotte was like a bright light in his life that never went out. She was always there, no matter where he was, and she supported him and made him smile and laugh and that's what he loved about her. He watched as for the first time, he saw her dance to a tune she whistled along to, her summer dress she wore from the townspeople swinging around her ankles as she picked up flowers and put it into her hair. Then she'd urge Speirs along to dance and slowly he'd dance along until they were laughing so hard they fell to the ground and rolled in the dirt. However, when the moments with Speirs ended she knew, until the moment she stepped foot back into her house in Virginia, she was a Sergeant and a Medic and she had to uphold that duty.

Her and Gene continued spending some afternoons together, sorting through all the medical supplies that was still delivered daily. She sat, with Oliver cuddled up in a blanket next to her, a clipboard in hand, as Gene pulled supplies out of boxes and showed them to Charlotte, who then wrote it down.

" What are you doing after the war, Gene?" Charlotte asked him, as she wrote down 'bandages' on the line.

" Go home, see my momma, marry the girl I got back in England, live my life outside of this war." Gene said with a tiny smile on his face. Charlotte couldn't help but smile at one of her closet friends.

" What about you, cherie?" he asked her.

" Finish school, something I've missed out here. Go to college, go and become a doctor." she explained, writing down another 'bandages' on the line. " I've missed not going to a classroom everyday and learning something new and understanding it. I miss that element and I'll be happy to finish out my school year." Gene smiled at the girl.

" I've told my ma about you in letters, she wants you to visit some time." Gene said. Charlotte smiled wide.

" Of course, Gene!" she said, " I bet you have the best food down there." She could only imagine all the amazing Cajun food there could be. All the flavors compared to the bland mess the Army called food.

" There's so many people I'll have to visit." she whispered into her hands, her eyes wide with excitement. Gene hadn't heard her, clearly, but he smiled at the glee in her eyes when he lifted up another thing of bandages. The following day, in late August, a ceremony was being held, for the end of the war, and of course Winters had to go and ask for Charlotte to give a speech and Sink of course said yes. Charlotte sat holed up in an office, writing her essay, perfecting it, and making it the best thing anyone could ever hear. Charlotte dressed in her Class A uniform, staring at herself in the mirror, and running her hand over her curled hair. Her wide blue eyes stared back at herself as she finally began thinking back on everything she did, and everything she'd been through. She carefully applied a bit of mascara, and leaned back sighing to herself. A knock on the door shook her from the mirror and she walked over to it, opening it up wide. Speirs stood there, with his arms crossed, his hair yet to be gelled, dressed in his Class A uniform. Her cheeks immediately warmed at how handsome he looked. He turned, noticing the girl there and a small smile covered his lips. She smiled watching his eyes.

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