chapter 6: currahee

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" All I have is my honor and a tolerance for pain

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" All I have is my honor and a tolerance for pain."



1 Week Later

She'd trained with Easy now for about a week. She'd also have the misfortunate timing of meeting their CO Herbert Sobel. It might've been her 3rd day, when the door to their billet shot open at five in the morning, and his loud booming voice echoed throughout the barracks, telling everyone to stand at attention at their beds. The girl rolled out of bed and stood at attention at the end of her bed next to Liebgott. Sobel began marching back toward the entrance to the billet and the noticed the young girl at the end. She saw his face turn red, nostrils flare, and his pace increase as he hurried over to the young medic. He stood in front of her, and she stood rock cold.

" And who in the hell are you?" he asked. 

" Private Charlotte E. Tarvers, sir. Combat medic." she answered, hoping her wording sounded somewhat right.

" And Private Tarvers, what are you doing in my company?" he asked her.

" Performing my duty as a combat medic, sir." she answered. Sobel sniffed. He'd known he was getting a female combat medic, and he knew of her qualifications, but he wasn't gonna let her pass that easily.

" You may be a female, but I won't let your reputation, represent Easy's. Understand?" he said, coldly.

" Yes, sir." she answered. She didn't even bat an eye. Sobel snorted. He looked at the girl's hair, in braids down her back, past her shoulders. He noticed how big the shirt was on her, and the shorts as well. He stepped back and faced 2nd platoon.

" I suggest we all get ready for breakfast early today." he said and then looked at the young medic, unfazed, " And I suggest you find a way to make sure that hair doesn't pass your shoulders, Private Tarvers." She cringed at the memory, now about 5 days later, and hoped that by shoving her hair up into her helmet, it would satisfy Sobel to say the least. The bugs were annoying, so were the flies and mosquitos and as everyone stood at attention, the whole group all felt it. Charlotte wasn't ready for it when Sobel came flying around the corner and snapped at them.

" You people are at the position of attention!" he yelled, and everyone stood up a little straighter. He moved swiftly down through the company, medics included on the side. That meant Charlotte and Eugene were standing off hands held firmly to their sides.

" Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?" he snapped as Perconte locked his gun.

" No, sir." he answered quietly.

" Then explain the creases at the bottom." snapped Sobel.

" No excuse, sir." he answered firmly.

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