chapter 51: a patrol

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" And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in

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" And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in." 

- Jane Austen 


 The jeep drove back towards the forest and as they neared Easy Company's post, Charlotte noticed a group assembled at Father Maloney's mass. She raised a brow in confusion as her and Gene jumped down from the truck and moved towards them. She noticed Spina turning and making way towards his fellow medics.

" Battalion wanted a reconnaissance patrol." he said, " Kraut hunting." Gene stared after the group before shoving the box into Spina's hands.

" Alright, I'll go, take these." Gene said, before glancing at the unusually quiet Charlotte.

" And uh, Spina, give the boots to Joe Toye, tell them they're a nine." he said, loading the boots on top. Gene turned to Charlotte as Spina trotted away. Gene gently wrapped his arm over his friend's shoulder and gave her a squeeze before nodding his head in the direction the patrol had moved in. She smiled lightly and followed after Gene. They arrived at the sight of the paratroopers gearing up, and Martin with Peacock discussing their plan of attack.

" Alright that's it, let's move out!" called Peacock as the two medics arrived.

" Tactical columns, gentlemen!" Martin called to the group. Martin spun around at the sound of footsteps and was already speaking in a rushed tone.

" Doc, Sunshine, it's a combat patrol. Why don't you two stay back and keep both your asses out of trouble, huh? " Martin advised them, lightly pushing a stubborn Gene back.

" Yes, sergeant." Gene answered with a nod, watching the men leave. Charlotte nodded.

" Yeah." said Martin, patting their shoulders and turning heading off with the group. Charlotte watched as the group, big as a normal sized platoon, left them without a medic. They were medics, so they were going to be on edge watching them leave, and they had their doubts at these notions at the moment. Another one of Charlotte's wet, rattling coughs, erupted from her system, causing Gene to look at her confused, as she did so.

" Hey, you ok?" he asked, putting a hand to her shoulder as she sucked in a heaving breath.

" Fine." she wheezed out, clearing her throat and sniffling again. The two sat down side by side in the snow against a tree, and at the moment the two were alone and it let their minds think.

" Were you ok today, with Skinny?" Gene asked, turning to the quiet girl. She looked up at him, under the rim of her helmet. She shrugged and didn't say a word. Gene turned to face her and put a gentle hand on her back.

" He's going to be fine, he'll come back." Gene said gently, rubbing small circles on the girl's back. She nodded, and then sniffled slightly. No words were spoken, but Charlotte lent in slightly to the touch.

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