chapter 15: the british lad

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" Sadly, the only way some people will learn to appreciate you is by losing you

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" Sadly, the only way some people will learn to appreciate you is by losing you." 

- unknown


In early January, Charlotte decided to head into town to visit Betty's Bakeshop to get something for the family. Betty was a kind, older woman, with years of experience in baking, and always wore a smile on her face, gladly giving the girl chocolate chip cookies. Charlotte left glancing at the chocolate cake in the window. It looked beautiful. She found everything in Aldbourne beautiful though and was glad that she got moments alone like this to truly relish it. 

She went out to a bar with Easy one night, it must've been early March, and there was music in the background, British, American and local girls everywhere, and drinks flowing from the back. Charlotte sat with her coke though as she listened and laughed at Skip's story of him swimming the Niagara. Many of the men had girls coming up to them, and talking with their innocent smiles to them, hoping to be brought back to their place. Charlotte could only chuckle. 

" So you seriously went across the Niagara? You're more insane than I thought." Charlotte said sipping her coke. Skip pulled the smoke from his mouth and laughed.

" That ain't the best part, Sunshine. My mother and my sister Ruth gave me hell in return for it, so did Faye Tanner." He said with a knowing nod.

" Faye Tanner?" She asked with a wide smile, " Who's Faye Tanner?" Skip's eye's lit up like light bulbs as he earnestly began talking about the girl who was the love of his life.

" Excuse me." She heard a British voice say and she looked up from her and Skip to see a rather handsome, British soldier with dark brown hair and soft doe chocolate eyes looking down at her.

" Oh, hi." She said her cheeks flaming as Skip glanced up at the soldier too, raising a brow.

" I'm sorry to interrupt, love, but I was wondering if I could buy you a drink." He said and she instantly smiled.

" My drinks almost out anyway." She said, and glanced back at Skip who was more or less glaring at the British man.

" We can talk more Skip, I'd love to hear more about Faye, she seems amazing." Charlotte said grabbing her empty bottle of coke and following the British soldier. Skip watched as she left, the soldier making a joke that she laughed out, the joyous sound ringing out.

" Sorry to take you from your friend, but I figure this would be a better welcome to England that what you had a few months ago." The soldier said. Charlotte smiled.

" I'm Winston Dedrick, I'm in the British Airborne." He said holding out his hand for her to shake.

" Charlotte Tarvers, I'm in the US Airborne." She said shaking his hand. He smiled kissing her hand gently. She blushed. The two went over to the bar and Winston nodded to the bartender.

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