chapter 3: family

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" I stopped looking for the light, Decided to become it instead

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" I stopped looking for the light, Decided to become it instead."

- Francheska, from " Hey Fran Hey "


" He what?!" MJ yelled, standing up from the kitchen table where her and Charlotte were doing their biology work.

" He kissed me." mumbled Charlotte swallowing the flame on her cheeks. MJ squealed.

" Don't you know how adorable this is?! You, a woman of foreign blood that came to America full of hope and dreams, only to be captured in the eyes of a handsome All-American with baby blue eyes and a pearly white smile, for him to be enthralled in the war of the world." she sighed." How magical."

" How tragic." scoffed Charlotte.

" Hm?" MJ hummed, daydreaming.

" I mean, I didn't want to be kissed not yet. Especially after the incident, and I don't really even like him." Charlotte said, trying to deny it entirely.

" Charlotte Emeline Tarvers, you have been denying this love for months, dear child." MJ said, raising her arm above her head victoriously. " Don't you dare deny it to your best friend."

" MJ..." whined Charlotte.

" I'm only teasing you, silly." MJ said, sitting down fully in her chair again and writing out equations.

" You know what this means don't you?" MJ asked.

" No?" Charlotte said completely confused.

" He thinks of you as the one he'll write to during the war and all, you know morale, s-"

" Ok, ok, Jesus, MJ." Charlotte said, cheeks flaring again.

" I'm serious, Charlie, it's true." MJ commented. Charlotte only shrugged looking down at her work.

" How's Vera?" Charlotte asked. Vera had been a wreck with John gone the past few days, and had yet to know about the kiss between the two.

" Horrible as always. Helena and I couldn't get a conversation out in History because all we heard was sobbing from the back corner, that was begging for attention." MJ muttered.

" Likewise, I got to hear about it in Study Hall. The girl came up to me sobbing, threw her arms around me and expected a hug in return, before she sat down and spilled her life story to me." Charlotte muttered.

" Oh, uh, how did it go with Everett last night?" Charlotte asked looking up quickly from her work. MJ nearly burst.

" You really don't know how handsome a man is, until he's willing to sprint with you through the rain, wet in clothes, until you reach someplace dry, soaking and laughing." MJ sighed, her eyes becoming droopy with love.

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