chapter 21: 6:30

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" Too often we underestimate, a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around

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" Too often we underestimate, a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

- unknown


She slowly gathered her wits standing up. She adjusted her helmet, before doing the same to her belt. She grasped the long handle over her shoulder with her medic bag with her two freezing hands and stepped forward carefully into the early morning light.

The sunshine warmed the sunshine soldier.

She felt better, despite the fact she was alone. She felt exhausted having not really slept properly in what felt like a while. The gentle and calm persona she gave off, calmed her as well, as she got her breathing to a normal pace. She stepped through the swampy mess of a lake and continued back into the forest across the way. She sniffled and grumbled when she felt her nose bleeding again. She reached up and touched the spot and came back with more blood, quickly whipping her nose, the blood smearing wonderfully over her face again and drying. She was pretty sure she looked 10x's worse than she already imagined.

She walked for a while, through the dense forest that had become slightly eerie. There were no birds, or rabbits, or insects and reptiles. It was dead silent. Her feet crunched against the leaves on the ground, now somewhat sore from the walking. Her trek through the woods seemed to grow longer and longer and she wasn't even sure if she was going in the right direction anymore. Her calculations continued her in this direction, so she sucked in a breath and pushed forward. She turned a corner and immediately shot back behind the large tree.

She heard the German voices fill her head yet again. Her heart rate had finally calmed down, and now hearing those voices again, her mind went to shambles.  She only knew French, so attempting to translate German was harder. She tried to decipher the words, or pick up on some hints but she could grasp nothing. The repetition of the word Americans in their accents scared her deeply. The vulgar words they seemed to throw about the Americans hurt Charlotte inside. She may not know the true meaning but the words stuck and she just knew they meant something bad.

The daylight streamed brightly through the dense forest. She had abandoned trying to listen to the voices of the Germans and had resorted to fleeing quickly. She found a groove in the land, and tried to rest her pounding head. Under the cover of heavy trees, and bushes she found an area to rest. She'd been moving since 1:30 in the morning. She glanced at her watch on her wrist and grumbled noticing it was 6. She was certain she'd been going in the right direction of the assembly area but now she had doubts.

She tried to ignore her headache and focused on pulling out her map and compass. She pointed the compass north and then mapped out her path to where she was now from where she started. She had to be going in the right direction. She just had to. She wondered if anybody from Easy Company had managed to get themselves together and were making those planned assaults for the infantry coming in on the beach. She wondered if it'd already happened. She bit her lip and looked back down at the map. She knew that Nixon had talked about Easy taking Carentan a few days back when they were running the lectures of the D-Day invasions. Her mind spun as she quickly searched for the town of Carentan again.

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