chapter 36: nuenen

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" You showed me that pain has purpose, and we need to be broken, shattered into pieces so we can learn to put ourselves back together

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" You showed me that pain has purpose, and we need to be broken, shattered into pieces so we can learn to put ourselves back together."

- s. p 


They were moving the next morning, to Nuenen, to see if they had possible chased the Krauts all the way here. The ride was extremely peaceful. Charlotte rode on the very end of the tank near the front of the machine, her legs hanging down over the edge as the gentle breeze brushed past her face. They passed the Nuenen sign, she got an eerie feel.

" Vincent Van Gogh was born in Nuenen." Webster exclaimed from above her.

" Yeah? So what?" Cobb mocked. She rolled her eyes.

" Sure teach a lot of useful stuff at Harvard." Hoobler said with a chuckle. She let out a chuckle and smiled turning to where the tanks were heading.

" I appreciate your Harvard knowledge." she said, with a small smile to Webster.

" See?" Webster said pointing to her, " Someone understands the importance of using their brain."

" I ain't a girl, Web. I don't get infatuated by that shit." Hoobler answered with a chuckle.

" Who's says I am?" she answered with a brow and a smirk.

" Vincent Van Gogh actually painted one of his most famous paintings in an insane asylum, Starry Night." Webster said with an award-winning smile to the girl. She smiled wide again, the wonder and curiosity growing larger in her eyes.

" Really?" she asked in wonder.

" Jesus Christ, stop flirting with smart people stuff." Cobb muttered.

" It's not flirting, Roy, it's called 'talking about reality'." she answered with a smirk his way.

" Well, let's just say at the moment reality's a bit insane, and I'd rather see God walking down the street himself with open arms, going on about some book club he's in with really good pie." Hoobler commented, and Charlotte chuckled fully. She turned her head ever so slightly, and the joyfulness faded. She felt her heart stopped when she saw a person, head shaved with a bundle in their arms. Charlotte gulped as they neared. A silence had fallen in a hush over the tanks. Charlotte didn't know what came over her, but she was jumping down, and pulling her helmet off walking towards the mother and the child she could see wrapped up. People yelled at her to come back, but she advanced forward. It was all too similar to the mother and child in Carentan a few months ago. She met eyes with the mother, and Charlotte felt her heart drop at the sight. She immediately dug into her medical bag and handed the woman a small first aid kid, some bandages, her spare rations, and her only chocolate bar. Charlotte smiled at the woman, handing her and her child the supplies. The woman weakly smiled and nodded to the young medic. Charlotte squeezed her shoulder as if saying everything would be alright again.

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