chapter 65: sleep

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" The best place in the world is inside a hug

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" The best place in the world is inside a hug."

- J. Quest


The too big helmet wobbled around on her head, and the medic satchel bounced against her waist as she arrived in the small area where Gene was organizing supplies, just like Luz. Gene had showered and he looked so clean and his hair healthy again. He looked more awake and alive, unlike Bastogne and it made Charlotte feel a bit better about her friend. He looked up when she arrived, and a small smile appeared on his face when he noticed the young medic's newest battle field commission to Sergeant.

" Hey Charlie, how's it feel with the new chevron?" he asked her, placing a few more bandages into a box.

" I feel like me, Gene." she answered back with a small smile. He knew she'd say that, but didn't push.

" You still going on patrol?" he asked the girl. She nodded. Even though she was sure that medicine didn't help the fever at all, and that the fever was now back at a bigger risk, she let that roll off her shoulders a bit more. She tried to ignore it, but the achenes in her bones and her pounding head combined with the sweat didn't help that much either.

" Malarkey's leading." she whispered. Gene looked at her.

" Really? After what he's been through?" he asked her with a raised brow. Charlotte nodded.

" But it still seems like the new Lieutenant, Jones, wants to be the one leading it." she explained. She sighed to herself and sat down in a chair. Gene looked up from his supplies and looked over at her.

" You ok, cherie?" he asked her softly, walking over to her. She nodded, biting her lip.

" Can you just hug me, please?" she whispered looking up at him with watery eyes.

" Yeah, come here." Gene said as she stood and slowly walked into Gene's arms. She wrapped her arms around her center, lacing her fingers together behind his back, as she shoved her head into his chest, hiding from the world. Gene wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and pulled her closer, as she began crying.

" It's ok, cherie, it's ok." Gene whispered, as she shook in his arms.

" I just feel like I can't do enough, Gene." she whispered through her soft cries.

" You're doing what you can, we all are, and we can't do anything more than what we're already doing." Gene whispered. Gene pulled away and wiped at the girl's tears.

" Go get some rest." Gene said softly, and she nodded to him. She immediately went back to the CP. She took the steps slowly, each more painful than the last and by the time she'd reached the main room her head was pounding and she was shivering. Lipton had moved from his spot on the couch, and she turned right, heading back to the beds Speirs had mentioned earlier. She turned into the room with two beds and was glad to see Lipton, fast asleep in the bed, boots by the side along with his helmet and bag and weapon. The cover was up to his chin and he was propped gently with a few pillows, as well as a cup of water and coffee by his bedside and a few used tissues he'd scrounged up. Charlotte went over to him quietly and placed her hand on his forehead. It was warm, but the fever had definitely gone down a bit more. She turned then and sighed at the sight of a bed she could cuddle up under. She walked to the opposite side, and lazily sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled her helmet off and placed it to the ground, her medic satchel following. Her fingers fumbled with the laces on her boots, and by the time she got them off she was exhausted. She moved, her entire body aching, positioning herself in a lying down position on the bed. Her hair was rather a long, mess, that needed braiding and trimming, but that was the last thing on her mind. She pulled the blanket up and over her entire body, and as she did so she sighed at the warmth it brought. She curled into a ball, curled on her side until the covers, her head shoved on top and between various pillows, as she yawned, and snuggled closer. The shivers took over her body, gently sending her to sleep. Speirs walked into the room having followed the girl and saw her with her exhausted movements as she finally went to sleep. Speirs felt a tiny weight lift from his shoulders as one of Easy's best medics finally got the rest she deserved. Speirs slowly walked over to the girl, cuddled with the blankets and pillows and sat on the edge of the bed. The dark rings under her eyes were reflected over her entire persona being given off, and he felt better now that she was asleep. He leaned forward and brushed the stray hairs from her face, a small smile set on his lips. He went to stand, but stopped when a tiny voice mumbled after him.

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