chapter 10: retaliation

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" But even if I am weak, I can still be kind

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" But even if I am weak, I can still be kind. For true power is giving instead of taking."



The medics were off training like they usually did when there was downtime on Saturdays. Charlotte came back spirits high, stepping into the empty billet where sunlight fluttered in through recently opened windows. She sat on the bed, taking off her boots and medic satchel. She grabbed her extra set of PT gear which she designated for lounging wear or pajamas and went to change quickly. She stepped inside the back bathroom stall area, removing her normal ODs, and changing into the lounge wear. She redid her braids, and smiling to herself, left the room. Right when she walked out, however, she saw a familiar face. Phillips Gibson. And about 4 of his goons behind him. She put her guard up quickly and pushed bland features on.

" What the hell are you doing in Easy's billet?" she stated, taking steps forward, closer to them, to get past hit them and to her bed.

" Came looking for the freakin sunshine medic, I've been hearing about." he stated.

" You already know who I am." she snapped back, placing her ODs neatly with everything else. She was grabbed forcefully on her wrist and was whipped around to face Phillips.

" Everyone knows who the fuck you are." one of the other privates snapped back, smirking.

" I am the only female, I'm pretty sure everyone would know." she muttered. Phillips brought up a fist, suddenly, and smacked her right in the eye. She stumbled, but kept her ground. The other guys made no move to move up but they watched the doors and windows.

" What the fuck?" she snapped back, bringing her hands to her, and falling back a few more feet. Her feet slipped out from under her, as she landed straight onto her butt. Phillips foot came straight at her stomach, and she immediately curled as it made contact with her body. She let out a groan, curling into her self, as pain exploded into her chest. She glanced up as her eye throbbed as watched as his foot came again and again each time another groan emitting from her mouth.

" Stop, please." she managed out, holding up her hand. She pushed herself into sitting position and struggled to stand as Phillips watched with a smirk. She held up her guard.

" Think you can fight me?" he mocked. She didn't answer. Instead she swung right at his head and connected. He swung right back as knocked her in the nose. Blood trickled out, and she reached up to touch it gently pulling back the red liquid.  Phillips snorted, and a punch came from the back, into her leg and she collapsed to the ground, as stars danced through her vision and she looked up to see another soldier there who she thought had been guarding the door. She felt the punches fly to her stomach, as she struggled to stand and Phillips and the now huddled group of men around her, closed it and she backed further into the corner, grimacing with each shuffle she made, groaning.

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