chapter 91: good-bye

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" It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follows

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" It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follows."

- unknown


( a/n ) warning, this made me cry writing it. it's just filled with sadness the entire time.


Charlotte got down from the stage, her eyes still filled with tears, as the men came up to her and just hugged her silently, letting the quietness that surrounded them speak for itself. Liebgott held her in his arms, pulling back a few moments later as she saw tears in his eyes. Winters hugged her for a while too, before Speirs found his way over to the girl again. He just hugged her, the silence the two stood in was comforting, and it made Charlotte realize now, how much more she enjoyed the silence. Speirs knew when to talk and when not to talk, and that's something Charlotte loved about him. Charlotte just needed to stand there in her arms without having to say a word and he understood that. August faded into September, and that's when it was time for everyone to start getting sent back home to America. Paperwork was time-consuming, as the process was long and tiresome, to get it clarified and to the right places, but eventually, everyone got it done. Before leaving Austria, Charlotte had to let Oliver go. She'd knew the time would come, slowly prepping him for having to be alone again, because she knew the army wouldn't allow a pet on board back. She'd been upset, but knew this was better for both of them at the time being. She managed a picture taken with the bunny, as tears filled the girl's eyes. Many of the men had come to say goodbye to the bunny and many were sad to see him go and how upset Charlotte was. Charlotte went out to the hillside, and placed Oliver down in the grass near a tree. She took a few steps back, and crossed her arms biting her lip as she watched Oliver sit there, and twitch his nose before looking up at the girl. Her bottom lip trembled.

" Go, it's ok." she whispered, nodding, as she put a hand over her mouth to stop the trembling sobs that wanted to come out.

" Please, it's ok, Oliver." she said softly. But the bunny didn't move, as if waiting for the girl to follow. Her heart broke watching the animal sit and stare at her so hopefully.

" I have to leave and go home and you can't come." she whispered. Tears rapidly fell down her tanned cheeks as she watched the bunny look around and sniff the ground. She had to push herself to back away from the field and back to the group of soldiers that were awaiting the girl's return. She couldn't look back at Oliver as he sat in the field alone. Charlotte's cries escaped her lips as she approached the group standing there. Talbert was the first to reach the girl, appropriately nicknamed Bunny and hugged the girl, bringing her into his arms and holding her as she cried. She wrapped her arms against herself as she cried for the little bunny. She'd stop, and then think about him, and start crying all over again.

" Thanks, Bunny." she whispered softly through her cries.

" Always, sunshine." he said back, and brushed her hair back, softly kissing her head as she sniffled. She'd never forget the bunny. On the morning of September 2nd, she woke, packed her bags and brought them outside the little building she'd been in for the time being. She was alerted that the Japanese had also signed an official surrender to America, ending the war for good. But that didn't stop the pit of sadness as she walked towards the officers' buildings, as Bull loaded her stuff onto the truck to take them to the docks. She reached the door, opening it up, tears already in her eyes as she prepared herself to say goodbye to the men, for she didn't know how long, that had helped her become the person she was right now. Charlotte removed her cap, holding it in her sweaty palms as she wrinkled it up from nerves as she moved towards the door at the end of the hall. She reached the door and hesitantly knocked on the wood.

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