chapter 86: the drunk g.i.

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" Piglet: How do you spell love? Winnie the Pooh: You don't spell it, you feel it

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" Piglet: How do you spell love? Winnie the Pooh: You don't spell it, you feel it."

- Winnie the Pooh


Easy Company seemed to be plagued with heartbreak. She had opted to tag along with Chuck, and the two replacements that had jumped along to relieve the guard members currently on duty. She listened with a smile to Chuck's rendition of a story about Wild-Bill Guarnere and she had already snorted multiple times. They passed a jeep coming up the hill nearby, and the group saluted seeing it was Winters and he saluted back before they were off again.

" When all of a sudden from out of nowhere, a guy jumps out of the hedgerow onto this guy's chest, shoves a trench knife up against his throat and screams, 'Whose side are you on?'" the replacements look at each other as Charlotte breaks into another fit of giggles as Chuck chuckled.

" I don't get it." the replacement near the back says.

" It's D-Day." Chuck offered.

" Right." the replacement answered.

" The 2nd platoon's," Charlotte puffed out her chest proudly as a fellow 2nd platoon member, "own Bill Guarnere - Old Gonorrhea himself- " the replacements smiled. Everyone knew about Gonorrhea at this point, and Charlotte smile wider. " Just landed in Normandy and wound up, like I don't know what. 'Whose side are you on?' What a fucking character." smirked Chuck as Charlotte laughed again. Even the replacements were laughing.

" What happened to him?" asked the 2nd replacement.

" Got his leg blown off in Bastogne." Chuck answered, the jeep slowing coming to a stop. Charlotte looked over and up and saw jeeps, with dead bodies on the ground, muddy blood everywhere, and a single American looking drunk as a skunk.

" Wait here." Chuck said, sparing a glance to the young medic under the brim of her large helmet she sported. She watched as Chuck jumped out of the jeep and began walking toward the drunk solider. Her heart was racing as Chuck took cautious steps forward.

" Are you okay, Mack? Do you need some help?" Chuck asked his voice calling over to the solider. The engines were still running, but there was this weird feeling in the air. This odd tension, like the calm before the storm. Her heart skipped a beat, when the drunk soldier began walking closer to Chuck, a gun lazily in his hand where a smirk was sprawled across his face. She shivered, at the sound of his laugh that echoed slightly. Here eyes remained on Chuck as her heart rate moved faster and faster. The drunk GI's eyes looked around the mess he'd made as he smirked.

" They wouldn't give me any gas." he laughed out. " Krauts!" he called, a harshness behind his voice. Her eyes followed to where he'd hollered and somewhat spit. There was a dead German with a pool of blood under his head in front of the two. Chuck stepped closer and Charlotte shifted in her seat slightly as she saw the GI turned around and start to walk again. Chuck grew closer.

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