chapter 63: showers

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" Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back

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" Better to be the one who smiled than the one who didn't smile back."

- unknown


She headed straight out of the CP bound for the temporary aid station which Charlotte had yet to find. She was shaking, the fever making her muscles achy, and the headache pound her head hard. She turned the corner and found the small sign set up and people walking in crate with big red crosses on it, signifying that this was most definitely the aid station. She continued to sip the coffee as she went into the house that was the aid station and searched for Gene. She found him, helmet off, signing papers for medical supplies that were finding its way in. She took a while to reach him, the dizzy spells catching her while she stepped through but she made it to him. He looked up when he realized someone was in front of him.

" Hey, Charlie, how are you feeling?" he asked the girl as he signed off and stood up.

" Like I've been slugged over the head." she answered, taking off her helmet and placing it down on the table, before going back and sipping her coffee.

" Take your temp recently?" he asked, putting a hand to her forehead. " You're warm."

" I know, I've got about 103.4, but I'm fine. But, I'm going on patrol tonight, Speirs wants me resting the best I can before hand." she muttered over the rim of the coffee mug.

" Patrol? Why you?" Gene asked worriedly.

" Don't worry, Gene," she said with a nod, " it's ok." Gene tried to brush it off, but he was still worried for the young medic.

" Well, Speirs is right, you need your sleep, Charlie." he said to the girl. " With a fever that high, it could make you really sick, which you already are. I don't really want you on patrol."

" Gene, I have to, it's fine. I'll be ok." she said softly. Gene looked at her with a raised brow.

" You got anything just to hold it for tonight, then I'll rest entirely." she said, as Gene turned and pulled a few pills from his pack.

" I've been keeping these on hand for you, I want to give you another penicillin shot too." he explained dropping the tiny pills into her palm. She downed them quickly, swallowing it after coffee, and then turned to see Gene with the nozzle of penicillin. She drew up her sleeve and he injected it slowly.

" Rest, Speirs is right, Charlie. You need it, I'll clean up here ok. I'll come by later to take your temp and make sure you're sleeping." he explained softly to the girl. She sighed.

" I'll be fine." she whispered.

" I know you will, but your also my medic, and I need you safe and heathy." he said giving her a pointed look. He looked up and past her.

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