chapter 49: sick

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" Sometimes all you can do is smile

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" Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day, hold back the tears, and pretend you're ok."

- unknown


The two medics slid into the foxhole with Spina, as Charlotte let out another groan, hitting the ground.

" Who got hit?" Spina asked.

" Penkala." Gene muttered, settling into the hole, keeping an eye as Charlotte curled into a ball in the corner. He searched through his satchel, and pulled supplies from it.

" Alright, here, this is what I want you to do. I want you to take someone, and work your way over to 3rd battalion, alright? You know what we need, bandages, plasma. Whatever you can be, you beg. Alright? And give me some goddamn scissors, I can't get any. And you get yourself a hot meal too, huh?" Gene said with a quick witted spit fire of words. " Go!" Spina jumped up and out of the foxhole, hurrying away as Gene settled in more. He pulled the helmet from his head and looked at Charlotte, silent and curled up. Gene pulled the blanket from it's spot and leaned forward putting it on top of the young medic. She looked towards him, pushing the blanket from her frail body.

" I'm fine." she said quietly. Gene gave her a look. She was stubborn, but the pointed look Gene was giving her, made her pull the blanket up on her body again. Gene leaned forward and placed a hand on the young medic's forehead.

" You're not warm, no fever, but I want you in here 'til dinner." he said softly. Charlotte nodded with a sniffle. They both knew she needed this. This sleep. She hadn't sleep well since days ago in Mourmelon. Gene gave the girl a comforting kiss on the forehead, which made her yawn and then cuddle deeper into the blanket, and gently shut her eyes for rest.

" Charlie." a quiet voice whispering above her. She fluttered her eyelids and slowly sat up, groaning at the signs of her abdomen screaming. She looked up and saw Gene's head poking through the tarp now over top of the foxhole.

" Dinner's ready, and you need to eat." he said. She nodded groggily, and climbed into the colder atmosphere. She sniffled once she got into the atmosphere and wrapped her arms back around herself as her and Gene walked back towards the food station. The two sat down together next to a larger group of their friends, but decided not to sit in the circle. Charlotte kept on a good face, but didn't let on that she felt terrible. The two sat side by side, Charlotte opting for leaning against the crate that Gene sat on. Gene pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up, keeping warm.

" Should have shot Hinkle in the ass," someone cooed from the group. " and he would have shot him in the ass!" Malarkey and Muck were cackling by this point, but Charlotte could only grimace.

" Hey god bless ya." Babe said, as the food was given out. The group continued talking, and bantering about whoever 'Hinkel' was. Joe, the cook, came by and offered her food but she shook her head, but Gene nodded to it. He turned to the girl and offered her food. She shook her head.

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