chapter 8: the man on op duty

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" You never outgrow needing a family

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" You never outgrow needing a family."



It must've been 1 in the morning when Charlotte finally arrived back, drenched in sweat, and mud to the barracks. Most of the men were still awake when the young medic returned, looking even more exhausted, but just as angry as when she'd left to repeat the 12 miles. A few of the men came running up to her, helping her take off the helmet, and her satchel. She pulled her top and bottoms off, revealing the PT shirt and bottoms underneath that she slept in.

" Hey, kid, you didn't have to do that." Bill had said, folding up her stuff at the end of her bed as she collapsed in her bed.

" I had to take responsibility, I was only helping." she mumbled back, shoving her hair into a bun.

" Should've seen Sobel's face as you ran past, priceless." he said, laying the jacket down. She smiled at him, the same smile that the company loved and even reached her eyes.

" You really are something else." he said, and she smiled wider before closing her eyes and rightfully passing out.  The following day after a day of difficult PT training from Sobel, Easy Company was relieved after dinner.

" I'm exhausted." sighed Charlotte, unbuttoning her top, and leaving her in the PT top and shorts.

" You can say that again, Sunshine." Luz said collapsing in his bed.

" Eh, Sunshine, got a smoke?" Liebgott asked, collapsing in his bed next to hers. She leaned up, and handed a smoke to him, that she kept on hand for the boys.

" Thanks." he said, laying down and lighting it. Shifty Powers, only a few years older than her, had been extremely respectful, welcoming and nice towards the girl her entire time here, and he somehow always managed to get a cigarette from her.

" Can I get one, too, sunshine?" he asked, sitting on the edge of her bed, and taking the smoke from her. He lit it and puffed out the smoke.

" Thanks." he said, leaning back. It was peaceful, a few boys talking, reading, smoking, writing, and playing cards. There would be the few loud laughs and claps, but otherwise it was wonderfully quiet. Suddenly, the door burst open and Sobel marched through down the rows stopping at the end of her bed, staring. His hands were placed firmly behind his back, eyes burning at Charlotte.

" Get up off your ass, Tarvers." he snapped. Embarrassed, she quickly stood and saluted in her too short shorts, and 2x's big PT shirt.

" There have been inappropriate rumors spreading around D Company, that I need to confirm. Have you or have you not given someone a blow-job?" he asked dead serious. Silence erupted over the room. Her face turned beat red.

" No, sir." she said softly.

" I did not hear you, Private Tarvers." he snapped.

" No, sir!" she yelled. She stared tough.

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