chapter 96: adjustments

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" Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the ocean

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" Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the ocean." 

- Thich Nhat Hanh


( a/n ) holland roden as mary jenkins, just incase you forgot from the cast page!!


Charlotte continued her schooling, arriving home one day to find a notice on the kitchen counter from her mother.


There's a job offer at Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital, for a surgical assistant, to just learn the basics. I can drive up with you in the next few weeks to just see if you're interested because I know it's something you want to do in the future.

~ Mom

Charlotte immediately raced upstairs, and pushed through her multiple stacks of books, until she found her Grey's Anatomy book. She sat down and began reading, writing notes, and catching up on every single detail she ever read through that book. She would come home everyday, allotting time to read a chapter or two of the book to keep up. She continued to take 6 mile runs, at night or sometimes in the morning, to remind her of the Toccoa days, or she'd run some basic PT exercises. She kept up on writing letters to her boys though, always getting a large amount of letters with exciting news from the men that'd make her smile. A few of the men really wanted to visit, they hadn't been adjusting well to life, and they needed some type of reprieve just to talk with someone they trusted as their friend. She happily agreed that they'd have to visit at some point.

She had been writing letters at the kitchen table, while her mother stood at the kitchen counter sipping tea, and casually talking to her daughter about some of the letters, when a knock on the door sounded. Charlotte glanced curiously at her mother before standing up and walking towards the door. She opened it up and a young woman stood on the doorstep. She had a small smile on her face, and her gentle hue or orange hair fluttered in the breeze behind her.

" I'm sorry to intrude, but I'm Mary Jenkins." the woman said and Charlotte's heart dropped. Her mother appeared behind her. Mary had been the last one to see Leroy before he'd been killed, and Charlotte couldn't imagine the impact if Mary had loved him. Charlotte still couldn't accept Leroy's fait after all these months. Charlotte stepped forward and gently placed a hand on Mary's shoulder.

" Please, come in." Charlotte said and Mary smiled at her, letting Charlotte and her mother guide her inside. They headed back into the kitchen and Charlotte shuffled the letters over to the side, as Mary sat on the opposite side of the tale and her mother returned to leaning against the counter.

" What brings you here, sweetheart?" her mother asked Mary gently.

" Leroy, he, um, well, he would've wanted me to visit." she said rather sadly. " And I also have some things that were his." Charlotte's heart rate picked up dramatically. In the bag by her side, Mary pulled out his dress blues, and the flag wrapped up in a triangle shape, which the family expected to receive soon. Her mother immediately let a hand fly to her mouth, as she took the dress blues in her hands and brushed her fingers over all the medals and buttons. Charlotte sniffled. She felt her eyes water as Mary brought out pictures of him with friends and the letters he kept from Charlotte, her family, MJ, his friend.

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