chapter 55: merry christmas

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" A friend is what the heart needs all the time

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" A friend is what the heart needs all the time."

- Henry Van Dyke


When Charlotte awoke the next morning curled up in Liebgott's arms, she couldn't help but end up wanting to grasp onto more warmth. It was freezing and by this point the blanket was doing nothing. As she shifted around a bit more, Liebgott soon awoke as well, looking down at the young medic next to him, looking pale and sicker than ever. Her tired eyes were half open, as she then proceeded to try and clear her throat and ended up coughing, the disgusting, mucus filled cough. Charlotte pushed up from Liebgott and coughed again and again until it was out of her and she was left feeling worse. She lied down next to Liebgott again and sighed.

" I can't wait until I can sleep in a bed again and not the cold hard ground." she whispered sadly, pulling the blanket up to her chin. Liebgott pulled the blanket closer around the young medic more as Charlotte watched as with each breath she saw the tiny air cloud come out.

" You think Gene has any meds you can take? The cough sounds bad." Liebgott said.

" Not that I know of, we're so low on any supplies." she said softly. She was about to speak again, but ended up coughing and finally sitting up, waking up Alley nearby.

" I'm sorry," she whispered, and Alley sent her a small smile. " I'm gonna get up. I won't be able to fall asleep anyway." She slowly stood, crouched from the cover over the foxhole and pulled the medic satchel over her shoulder. She adjusted her helmet to her freezing head before turning and crawling out of the hut. She crawled out onto fresh snow and turned around sticking her head back in.

" You guys get some more rest for me, ok? Merry Christmas." she whispered with a smile. Then she was gone, walking through the multiple groups of foxholes. The sky was still a bleary grey color, and a gentle snowfall came from the sky, and the cold was biting at every exposed piece of skin. She stuck her face down into the scarf from Mary more, her nose bright red, and eyes sunken in and exhausted. She ran into Bill milling about going through his squad and checking up on non other than Babe. She sniffled and walked up to them, arms wrapped around her chest.

" Hey guys." she said as she approached, standing next to Bill at the foxhole Babe sat up. babe looked up with a chilled smile.

" Hey Sunshine." Babe said blandly, and exhausted looking.

" Hi, Sunshine." Bill said, really getting a look at the tired girl. She forced out a weak smile.

" How are you doing, you look cold." Bill said, wrapping an arm over the girl's shoulder.

" I'm ok." she said quietly, " I will be, everything will be fine." Then she sneezed and Babe sent her a sympathetic look.

" You two staying warm enough, we're hoping we can get some more coats and blankets from Bastogne." she said softly.

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