chapter 24: tarvers gene

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" The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason you held on so long

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" The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason you held on so long."

- unknown


Sergeant Louis Tarver's POV, Charlie Company, 2nd Rangers Battalion

Louis' footsteps silently pushed through the overgrown field somewhere in the middle fo Normandy, as he followed the 7 other men in front of him. Louis' blue eye darted around the entire perimeter of the forest that surrounded the quiet field, as his ears tried to pick up on any sound that could possibly ring out across it. The cool texture of his Thompson, which sat situated in his hands, was a relief from the hot, muggy heat, that came down on the group of soldiers walking across the field.

" Hey, Tarvers." he heard Jackson call. Louis turned to look his direction.

" Yeah?" he asked.

" Your sister's a paratrooper, right?" he asked Louis, glancing out at the field again.

" Yeah, she's a medic." Louis said.

" She's in the 101st too, right? She jumped last night?" he asked him.

" Yeah, I'd assume so, she wrote me in her last letter that she was jumping with the 101st." Louis explained.

" Think she'd know then who this Ryan guy is?" Jackson asked him. Louis snorted.

" Ryan's in the 1st Battalion, Baker, she's in 2nd Battalion, Easy. 'fraid not." Louis said.

" She cute?" Reiben asked. Louis rolled his eyes.

" Shut up, Reiben." Louis muttered.

" What, can't I try to lighten the mood?" Reiben called sarcastically.

" Let Tarvers be, he's worried for his sister, and I'm pretty sure we're all worried for someone else." Miller called from his lead, " I'd be worried too if my sister had volunteered."

" What's she like?" Jackson asked.

" Well, the boys in Easy Company call her Sunshine Soldier or something like that. I mean I've lived with her for all my life, and it makes sense." Louis commented. " I'm just worried, ya know? She's my little sister."

" We get it, man, we hope she's ok, too." Jackson said nodding to Louis.

" What's her name?" Upham asked. Louis knew that Upham had come from a different Regiment, as a translator, and the men Louis had been with since basic training already knew of Charlotte.

" Charlotte." Louis said, with a small smile,
" She said her friend Gene calls her Charlie, which our family and I would call her."

" Funny, since we're in Charlie Company." Mellish commented.

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