Chapter 90: As Six

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Tw: Cuts but sorta death, well not really-

!: Grammar errors (probably)

The tension lingered in the air, everyone was too unsure of what to do, Culpeper chuckled quietly and lowered the pocket knife.

Culpeper: You lot actually think that I would do it?

He dropped the item and reached into his back pocket slowly, the queens prepared themselves as Culpeper cleared his throat.

Culpeper: I apologize, I meant that..

In a swift manner he pulled out a gun.

Culpeper: .. he'd want me to kill you.

Anne: How did we not notice that—

Culpeper closed his eyes and fired 3 shots all over the place, then 4 shots, then 6.

There were panicked screams from the queens, no one knew who was shot or not.

???: Thomas!

Someone calls, who was it? He wasn't really given a chance to even open his eyes when someone jumped on him, taking him down with them off the roof.

Anna: HOLY—

Cathy: Someone grab her!

Her? He opened his eyes so see a hint of pink hugging him as he was falling down.

Culpeper: Katherine?!

Kitty: Stop it Stop it Stop it! Would it hurt to just have one day without it having someone in my family getting killed?!

Culpeper: Oh so THIS is your solution?!

He referred to the state of them falling off a roof together, his face grimaced.

Culpeper: Killing yourself along with me—

Kitty: Do you think I thought about this when you were shooting bullets?!

Culpeper: ..You stupid girl.

Kitty looked at him with teary eyes, it looked like he was accepting his fate already.

Kitty: It seems like you're gonna lose to a stupid girl.

Culpeper just stares at her, knowing that it is true, he moves his gaze up to the sky, realizing how much he wasted his second chance in life.. He wasted it by hunting down women who's trying to make the best of their lives under the order of a pig.

Why did he do that to himself? He lost his head in his previous life, and now he lost his child. Kitty's child.

Culpeper then wrapped his arms around Kitty, who was surprised about it.

Culpeper: I'm not letting you die again.

Kitty: .....I mean not like I'm planning to—

Culpeper: Kath, I'm sorr—

They both landed on the thorn bushes, cuts were found all over the man's body, but barely any on Kitty.

You can say that Culpeper wanted to die, but the queens still decided to call the ambulance for like the 43rd time, but because of the impact from the fall, the chances of him surviving is fatal.
And he fell into a coma.

Kitty however, is fine 👍.

But the death shocked her quite a bit, Culpeper was a horrible man indeed, and she's glad that he's finally gone, but there are still more people worse than Culpeper living and breathing out there. He is still out there.


Kitty: ..Everyone?

The girl opened her eyes, her limbs were covered in bandages, but, she's in a field sitting on a picnic blanket, did she fall asleep?

Jane: I'm here, want a sandwich?
She chuckled.

Kitty: Thanks but, where am I?

Anne: Did you forget? Yesterday at the hospital while we were leaving, you asked us if we can go bonding at somewhere open, so we got here!

Cathy: You're probably still recovering from everything, do you want to rest?

All of them were gathered on the blanket, just them and the field, it was peaceful in a way, it felt better.

Kitty: ..I like this.
She said before looking down.
Kitty: Thomas saved me, but I don't understand, I hate him, I really do. I don't want any of this to happen, I just want it all to end, but when will it end?

The queens looked at eachother, not sure what to say, they can all relate to the younger girl but it felt like there's nothing they could say.

Either way, they glanced to Aragon's direction, hoping she'll shed some wisdom on them.

Cath: Well, I can't be sure when exactly this will happen, but I promise you someday we'll be free from all this. The universe gave us another chance in life for a reason, and we're not letting anyone ruin that.

The queens nod in agreement, then there was silence again, but a comfortable one, they stood up and huddled together to enjoy one another's embrace as if it's the last.

Anna: We're gonna get through this.

Anne: Exactly, as six!

All: As Six!

~Le End~

Hello everyone, it's Nao, the author.
First of all I would just like to say sorry for abandoning this book for absolute several MONTHS. And I will be completely honest.

Yes, I was originally planning on abandoning this book since I've lost motivation and interest to the musical, but now after seeing how much this book had grown and how many people liked it, I've decided to try my best to actually finish the book.

Though, I've never intended to make this book to be an actual story thingy but here we are. Keep in mind that half of the chapter was written months ago so you might see a change. In fact I have changed my way of writing stories but I will stick to this original style for the book only.

Sorry- Keep in mind that I will finish the book but there will only be a few chapters left, and that the updates will come in slow.

Until then, I hope you enjoyed, and Thank you for reading :)

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