~•~Mannox rolled off his bed, another day, ever since yesterday Thomas hasn't come back, it's not like he care or anything, Mannox walked to the living room to find Culpeper, his eyes fixated on the TV screen.
Mannox: Thomas, what are you doing?
Culpeper: Watching toothpaste commercials..
Mannox: ... alright then..?
Then Dereham came in with a cup of tea in his hand, and some parchment papers in his other hand, he quietly went over to his desk and began writing.
Mannox: Franchise Graham.
Dereham: Enough with those ridiculous nicknames Henry-
Mannox: Sorry, Dairy-Ham ..
Dereham: What do you want this time?
Mannox stifled a laugh before regaining himself.
Mannox: Have you seen Thomas anywhere?
Dereham: He's over there watching toothpaste commercials..
Mannox: I meant the smarter one.
Dereham: I don't know..? He left with a gun and he was ignoring me so I don't know where he went off to..
Mannox: Does Henry know about this?
Dereham: Do you actually think he cares? He only cares about people who gives what he wants, like Thomas for example. I don't even know why I'm staying with the man who killed me.
Mannox: He did need a secretary..
Dereham: Did he say that he needs a musician as well? Culpeper is his couteir obviously, but us? It's confusing.
Mannox: Is that so? Well if we're unimportant, want to run away to Africa?
:3Dereham: Henry, we're broke-
Mannox: We can secretly get a job at that little restaurant down there, maybe we could save up and also bring the lad along.
Mannox gestured over to the boy watching toothpaste commercials, Dereham also glanced over to him, and then gave Mannox a look.
Dereham: The kid too?
Mannox: Yeah, the poor thing can't survive in this house with that maniac all by himself.
Dereham: Right..
A door then creeks open, Culpeper then immediately turned the TV off and ran over to where the older men was, Dereham collected all his writing supplies and shoved in the corner and threw the tea away they all stood as the large S̶h̶i̶t̶h̶e̶a̶d̶ man groggily walked towards the kitchen, not paying attention to all three of them as he grabbed a mug and sluggishly poured tea in it, spilling it all over the kitchen counter, he took a seat and immediately hunched down, falling asleep instantly.
Dereham: What a man, I must say...
Mannox: Please tell me that's sarcasm..
Dereham: It is, I would never compliment someone so miserable like that.
Culpeper: The way you just called him "that" is priceless.
Mannox: Anyone want pizza? I'll order.

''We Rule Us'' | SiX: The Musical
Fanfiction•This is a story of the queens who once ruled England, reincarnated, and now in the 21st century clueless and might make chaos sooner, the tudor kids will also be here :³ •So, this fanfic has quite alot of characters? Some of the chapters might be i...