Chapter 15: Dysfunctional

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•|Time Skip to the day Liz and Stuart|•
•|get discharged.|•

Liz snuggled into her orange jacket as she waits for the queens, and everytime she's awake Mary is asleep, which bothers her a bit.

She heard a knock on the door and a doctor came in.

Doctor: Good Morning, your mother just called and she said that her and your aunts will be here soon, how are you feeling?

Liz: I'm feeling much better, thank you.

Doctor: Very well, I recommend both of you to prepare while you're waiting. Have a good day.

She walked out of the door and the room went silent and the only sound that can be heard was Stuart's light snoring.

She figured she should wake Mary up she hadn't seen her awake for a whole week, after what happened.

Liz puts on her jacket and approaches the bed and examines her for a bit, the queens were nice enough to buy the new three some clothes aswell, Stuart was wearing a magenta t-shirt, her dark denim jacket and jeans was neatly folded beside her.

She nudged the girl, who flickered her eyes open with an annoyed look and their eyes met, Lizzie tensed as the girl sat up looking around her, confused.

Stuart: Who are you, may I ask?

Liz: Its me, Elizabeth?

She looked at Lizzie up and down, becoming even more confused.

Stuart: A dreadful dress.. I must say..

Liz: I'm not wearing a dress-

Stuart: Are you even wearing a corset, Elizabeth?

Liz: No- I don't need it-

Stuart: It is okay to just admit that you are flat.

Liz: what-

Stuart: I know being flat at the age of 35 is hard, it is not my intention to insult or judge you.

Liz: . . . I'm 14-

Stuart: Ah, denial. You know Elizabeth, you should probably stop using that make up, look at your face.

Liz: I woke you up. For you to say these things to me-

Stuart: Really? I have to be honest I have alot of insults for you.

Liz: I- Are you sure you have amnesia-

Stuart: I have what?

Lizzie sighed and picked up the folded clothes and places it Infront of Mary.

Liz: Its yours..

Stuart: Whats this??

Liz: Your clothes..?

Stuart: Really...?

Liz: Just wear it-

Stuart picks up the denim jacket and looks at it for awhile.

Stuart: The color is nice.

Liz: Okay-

She struggled to put it on.

Liz: . . . Mary..

Stuart: Yes?-

Liz: That's backwards. . .

Stuart: It is?

Liz: This part is supposed to cover your back.

Elizabeth pulls the jacket off and flips it around, she places it on Stuart's back and slides the sleeves on.

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