~•~Henry: Checkmate.
Mannox: Wha- NO.
Henry: How many times do I have to tell you..? I. Always. Win.
Mannox, mumbling: Yeah right.
Mannox got up from his seat, frustrated, before walking away elsewhere, trying to find something else to entertain himself other than looking like a complete loser, Henry lets out a loud and obnoxious laugh and grabbed a deck of cards.
Henry: Alright, who wants to come up and play next? Culpeper, come here boy.
Culpeper silently walked over to the table and sat on the chair across from Henry as his big hands jumble with cards and separates them.
Henry: You ready to play..?
Culpeper: Well—
Suddenly, Thomas bursts through the door, his face full of anger and annoyance as he stomps over to Henry, who calmly looked up at him.
Henry: Why so mad?
Thomas: Henry, they're alive! Like, all of them are alive even after that perfectly planned explosion! And you're just sitting here playing cards?!
Henry: Yes.
Thomas: No! We need to make another plan!! It's your wish for them to be dead right?! So help me out here, so we can finish them!
Henry: Okay now hold on now, hold your horses, don't get too excited Thomas, what I want is for them to suffer a long, slow, painful, death not just a quick explosion to finish them off, I want to see all of their faces full of regret as they hang upside down with a saw going down their genitals.
Culpeper: Genitals...?
Culpeper gave Henry a disgusted look and shuddered at the thought, he quickly moved away from the two and sat next to Francis.
Thomas: Yeah, yeah whatever.. How 'bout this? I could kidnap one of them and use them as hostage so that they could all just jump off the bridge how's that sound?
Henry looked at him funny and shook his head.
Henry: I want to see them losing their lives Infront of me, not away.
Thomas: You can watch them jump off the bridge!!
Dereham: I'm pretty sure they're smart enough to not just jump off the bridge..
Culpeper: Chill.
The blonde took deep breaths and sighed after, Henry got up and neatly placed the deck of cards back to where it previously was.
Henry: I'd rather see them die one by one... And I want you, to plan and do that for me.. just like what you did to Catherine.
Thomas: It was only an accident.. I was.. out of control.. I got carried away.
Mannox scoffed and elbowed Culpeper, making the boy turn his head towards him.
Mannox: He was completely woke that time, wasn't he..?
Culpeper: Indeed he was..
Henry: In that case, we'll just have to wait till one of them does the job for us.

''We Rule Us'' | SiX: The Musical
Fanfiction•This is a story of the queens who once ruled England, reincarnated, and now in the 21st century clueless and might make chaos sooner, the tudor kids will also be here :³ •So, this fanfic has quite alot of characters? Some of the chapters might be i...