Chapter 87: Baby?

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Read this for a sec-

Okay so the recent chapters have been just about dogs and stuff, so now I have to really focus on the important parts 🤵

Please be ready for the next chapters since from this chapter and to the later chapters it's about to get serious, dark and angsty. Thank you 👏


Jane and Kit waited in that white room for a few while, it was just them and ticking of the clock on the wall lingering in their ears, until Francis came back with the results, and sat down on the chair, and set the papers on the desk that separates them three.

Francis: Okay, so, I don't know how to tell you this—it usually comes in as, bright and happy news; but in your case..

Kitty moved around her seat, holding her breath as Jane tried to sooth her.

Francis: The test results are in, and because Kathryn is too anxious to take a simple pregnancy test at the toilet.

He paused when he felt a blonde glaring at him from his right, and quickly worded what he just said again.

Francis: I didn't mean it in a bad way, its just easier that way.

Still then, he could still feel the glare, Francis shook it off, and turned his attention to the girl with pink hair.

Francis: Katherine?

Kitty: ..Yes?

He took in a big breath before letting it out.

Francis: You, you're a mother now.. uh, congratulations.

He extended his hand, Kitty stared at nothing but her hand seem to reach his hand and shook it weakly as tears pained her eyes.

Jane: Kitty, it's oka—

The girl buried her face in the blondes chest and burst into tears mumbling apologies between sobs as Jane strokes her hair while keeping her close.

Francis felt awkward and just decided to give them a moment, and left the papers on the desk and went outside for the sake of their privacy.

•-Time Skip-•

They arrived back into the mansion, Kitty tucked in a big jacket to hide her really puffy red eyes, and the smell of tears that was on her. The other queens and kids went in and gave her a warm welcome, but she just ran pass them, Embarrassed? Angry? Stunned? No one knows.

Cathy: Is she okay?

Jane: ... No, I- I don't know..

Jane sobbed and Cath took her into the living room, Cathy frowned.

Mae: What's going on, Mama?

Cathy: Nothing Hunny, your aunties are just sad.

Mae: Really? They look sadder..

Cathy: They've had a day... You'll see them happy again though. Now, you and the kids go to sleep.

Mae: Okay, goodnight Mama!

Mae kissed her mum on the cheek and followed the other kids who all seem to be very worried as well, she's too young to know.

Cathy: Anne? Where are you going?

Anne: Someone's going to die tonight.

Cathy: No Annie come back..

Cathy sighed and walked over and tried to stop Anne from committing murder, but that doesn't matter to Anne, jail or not she's teaching Thomas a lesson.

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