Chapter 40: Thomas

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Anne: Cathy wants me to do what?-

Kitty: Check the boxes in her room!

Anne: Why?

Kitty: I don't know-

Anne: Aight then-

Kitty: Oh yeah- Cathy said she loves you Annie..

Anne smiled and nodded.

Anne: Mhm, I love her too.

Anne got up and went upstairs to the third room where Cathy's bedroom is, she pushed the door open to find two boxes that was on the desk, one was green and the other was blue, she excitedly opened the blue box, it was filled with Green Carnations and a little note.


This is for you, and I hoped the carnations stayed alive once you opened it, I've been seeing your heelys becoming uh.. a bit broken- so I bought these for you :)

Anne smiled and gently pushed the flowers aside and picked up a new set of heelys, her eyes lit up when she saw them, it was emerald green but was splashed with some royal blue it also has glitter showered on it.

Anne: Woah- I'm holding the earth-

She placed them back on the desk and moves on to the other box, green, the opened it, there was  a l o t  of Blue hydrangea's, and another note but shorter.


If you're asking why I used two boxes its because I can't choose between them, hope you like this one too :)


Anne pulled out a jacket, it has a similar style as the heelys, bEcAuSe iT iS-

Anne: 👁️👄👁️

Anne: KITTY-

Kit immediately bursts through the door making Anne jump a bit.

Kitty: Where's the danger- Oh, nice earth clothes—

Anne: These aren't eArTh cLoThEs, these are from Cathy-

Kitty: Mhm aNd?

Anne: Look at them!

Kitty: Like I said, earth clothes.

Anne: That's true- but isn't it cool??

Anne pulled the jacket up to her shoulders and did a little spun.

Anne: What do you think?-

Kitty: It looks good on you Annie! You're so lucky to have Cathy as your g-girlfriend-

Anne: Yeah, speaking of which, when will she come back?

Kit paused for a moment then shrugged, looking at Anne.

Kitty: Dunno-

Anne: Hmm..

A sudden scream broke out downstairs, the two looked at eachother before going down to the living area.

Anne: Is everything alright?—

They glanced at the door and froze as they saw Roy, Janie and Mezza, shacking, Jane ran up to them and gave them all a hug.

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