Chapter 27: Heelys

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Jane snuggled into Cath's chest as the sun rises, the birds singing, wind blowing...—aND THE UTTER SCREAMING FROM DOWNSTAIRS-




Jane groaned and sat up, she stretched her arms and looked over to her side, Catherine was still asleep besides the mess downstairs, Jane took the headphones that was sitting on the bedside table and puts one in Cath's ear, she played some peaceful music on and placed a kiss on Cath's check before going downstairs to save the day.

Jane: What's going on— oH MY GOD-

The kitchen was a mess- the whole downstairs was a mess none of the kids were in their uniforms, Cathy was trying to stop Anna from chasing Anne with a knife.

Cathy: aNnA sToP iT-

Anna: nEvEr-

Anne: cAtHy hElp-

Cathy: iM tRyiNg-

Ed poked his head up and saw Jane just staring in disbelief on the steps.

Ed: Good morning Mum!-

Jane: Good morning Hun... Could you kids get dressed?

Ed: Sure- C'mon Guys-

Ed and the other kids quietly walked upstairs, Jane cleared her throat and the three queens stopped and looked at her, she gestured the room with a questioning look and Cathy pointed at Anne and Anna.

Jane: Please tell me you two are planning to clean this up-

Anna and Anne:

Anna and Anne:

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Anne: cLeAn?

Anna: Not again-

Anne: Jane you can't do this-

Jane: Yes I can-

Anne: pLeAsE giVe mE aNotHer jOb- aWaY fRom tHat mAniAc-

Anna: mE?!

Jane: Okay, how about the groceries—

Anne: okay-

Jane: Cathy, you come with Anne-

Cathy: Why-

Jane: She might get lost-

Anne, already putting on heelys: You sure about that-


Jane: Please-

Cathy: What do I get from it?-

Jane: You get to stay up as long as you want-

Cathy: Deal-

Anna: Sooo, I'm just gonna clean?

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