Chapter 23: School

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( ・ω・)☞ new characters.


Mary was woken up mercilessly by her younger sister early in the morning by clapping two pans together. Right. On. Her. Ear.


Mary: Lizzie I swear-

Mary propped herself up and glared at Liz who was smiling innocently hiding the pans behind her back.

Mary: Give me those.

Liz: Give you what?

Mary: Pans.

Liz: How did you know I'm Pan?

Mary: No- the ones behind your back.
And did you just came out to me..?

Liz: Oh okay- and no, I was joking, I'm straight :D

Mary: . . Ha, ha..

Mary grabbed the pans and smashed them with eachother (that sounds so wrong-) sending a ringing sound across the house, waking everyone up.

Liz: hHhHh- Mary- w h y.

Mary: Payback, sis.

She got up and walked to the bathroom.

Liz: I accidentally threw the soap in the toilet so I recommend you open another box—

Mary: Ew—

She then closed the door, leaving a bored Elizabeth, she took her towel and planned to use the other upstairs bathroom.

When she got out the kids were lining up for the bathroom, she noticed Mezza coming out of her room and both locked eyes with eachother.

They raced to the line and ended up fighting half way through the corridor.

Mezza: gET OFF ME-


Mezza: NEVER-

Janie: ..weirdos.

Ed: Where's Mary?

Liz: She used the bathroom in our room-

Janie: You guys have a bathroom of your own??

Liz: Yeah- I'm surprised you're here-

Ed: No fair-

Mezza pushed Liz and makes a run for it-

Liz: wAIT NO-

Mezza: sUCKER

She positioned herself behind Ed and sticks her tounge at Liz who flipped her off.

Liz: hAH- I'm gonna use the downstairs bathroom—

Ed: Mae's using it-

Liz: Damnit-

She heard a door open from her room and rushed in to find Mary coming out of their bathroom.

Liz: mARY-

Mary: Hi-

Liz: Can I use the bathroom??

Mary: I thought you're done taking a shower-

Liz: I forgot-

Mary: How— you know what forget it-

Liz: Thanks-

She walked into the bathroom and closed it.


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