Chapter 52: Fire Escape (?)

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After Liz woke Mez up and untied her Lori began pouring gasoline near the door of the basement, with the lighter on she sets it on fire before running back down.

Mezza: Mary would've been proud to watch this-

Liz: I think she would react the opposite of that-

Lori: Shut up you two-

Liz: uH, sOrRy-

Mezza: No.

Soon enough the fire reached the door, burning it, and then and it eventually reached the walls, the three watched from the sToNed basement, the smoke piling up, the fire growing bigger and the wood turning black.

Mezza: What was the plan again?

Lori: We just wait, until the house is burnt down...

Mezza: thats really boring..

Lori: I know right? I just realized that.

Liz: You're literally setting your own house on fire-

Lori: Want to die tomorrow?

Liz: No-

Lori: Good girl.

Liz: d-did you just-

Mezza: Gay-

Lori: What did I do?-

Mezza: Nothing-


Both of Lori's parents were upstairs in their bedroom, mainly studying about every single chemical by book, until Mr. Cordeigh smelled smoke from downstairs.

Dennis: What did you cook?

Mrs.C: I didn't cook anything...

Dennis: Are you sure you're not boiling that squirrel's blood...?

Mrs.C: I would, but you know I don't do squirrels on tuesdays..

Dennis: Then what on earth am I smelling..?

Cordeigh dropped the book and marched to the stairs down to the floor, to his horror the door and the walls near the basement were burning, meanwhile the three were constantly coughing in the smoke-filled air room
as the fire spreads across the living room, Dennis quickly ran to their room and ushered his wife to pack up.

Dennis: And don't forget the syringes!

Mrs.C: Why? What's happened?

Dennis: MOVE IT.

She nodded and began doing what she was told to while Dennis grabbed a rope from under the bed, wrapping it around one of the bed's foot and throwing the other end of the rope outside the window. He gestured her to go out first and so she did, he glanced out the room one last time and saw a glimpse of fire creeping up as the side before going out the window aswell, as everything in the house began burning,  almost all people in the neighborhood were watching and panicking.

Neighbor 1#: Holy smokes-

Neighbor 2#: Too soon!

Neighbor 1#: I wasn't making a joke!

Neighbor 3#: Someone call the fire department!

Neighbor 2#: On it!

Neighbor 4#: Everyone else.. ITS 11PM SO FORGET ABOUT YOUR WATER BILLS!

Everyone rushed into their homes and began filling buckets with water while some grabbed their garden hoses and ran back to the burning building spraying it at the house, the ones with the buckets threw every inch of water at the house and went straight back, repeating the process.

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