Chapter 78: Rooftop

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Kitty: Ow-

Anna: You okay?

Kitty: Y-yeah I think so.

Anna: Give it here.

Anna gently took the girls hand, her finger was bleeding and Kit looked like she was about to cry.

Kitty: I'm f-fine It doesn't hurt that much anyway.

Anna: No, you need to bandage this up, come on.

Anna stood up and held out her hand to Kitty, the younger girl looked at her for a moment before smiling as she reluctantly took her hand, pulling her up.

Anna: Don't tell Jane though, wink wink- nudge nudge-

She just smiled as Anna took her to the other side of the room where Jane kept all the medic stuff, but once they got there Anna's brows knitted together in confused, the spot was empty.

Anna: Where did the med kit go?-

Cath: Anne use all of it-

They turned to the side to see Anne still trying to work the sewing machine, but her hands were covered in bandages.

Anne: ouchh-

Cath: Anne how many times do I have to tell you- Don't put your fingers on the fabric when it's moving to the needle-

Anne: But it's hard >:(

Anna: Do you have anything that we could use at least?- Kitty's got a cut on her finger.

Cathy: You could use this leftover fabric I got here.

Cathy got up and handed them a little blue piece of fabric, Anna and Kitty smiled at her before Anna took it off her hands.

Kitty: Thanks Cathy!

Cathy: No problem :)

When she turned back around she took the opportunity to look at Anne,  the girl's mood completely changed, she looked really upset, mumbling stuff.

Cath: Heyy you've finally done it-

Anne: Yeah, and its all thanks to you.

Oh she wants to play that game, Huh?

Cath: Bitch since when did you get so appreciative-

Anne: Let me be nice-

Anne lightly punched the queens shoulder before continuing on with sewing.

Cathy: Hey Janiee

Her head shot up, what now?

Jane moved her attention to the other queen, and gave her a warm smile.

Jane: Oh hey Cathy-

Cathy: What are you putting on your costume? They're pretty.

Jane: I don't know, but they're sparkly! Want some?

Cathy: Sure, can you help me?

Jane: Okay 👍

Anne gritted her teeth, gripping tightly on the edge of the table while Cath grabbed her little cross.

Anne: ANNA.

Anna: w h a t.

Anne: Get your ass over here-

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